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Sooo before I start I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry. I be busy and sometimes I have writers block like a mf. But that's not really an excuse.....so won't nag being said I'm going to try to and create as much as I can. Soo starting off there will be a little time jump from the last chapter.

Time jump 2 weeks Melo graduation

Brandi POV

Melo, his family, and I were all in Ohio today for Melos graduation. It was currently 6:15 in the morning I was getting ready to shower while Melo was sleep.

Once I'm out the shower I walk over to Melo and kiss him a couple of times waking him up. "Babe get up you need to shower and get dressed". He opens up his eyes slowly and licks his lips and smiles at me. "Damn I love waking up with yo sexy ass" he says. I pull him off the bed and towards the shower. "Shower with me" he says. I look at him "but babe I just got out". Somehow Melo got me to get back in the shower with him. "This boy drives me crazy" I thought to myself.

At Melos graduation

Everyone was sitting in the crowd as Melo's name was about to be called. When the principal calls Melo he walks across the stage and we all cheer for him. He does a really stupid dance and some laugh and others get upset. "Bro look at this goof" I hear Gelo say laughing. I look at Lavar and can tell he wasn't happy. I didn't really see what the problem was people do things all the time at graduation, that's how they celebrate their accomplishment. Names continue being called for a while until the ceremony is over.

Lavar took everyone out to a small local restaurant in Ohio after the graduation. Lavar, Tina, Melos grandparents, Zo, Gelo, Jaden, Melo, and I were all sitting at the table. The camera crew was here filming of course. Lavar called Melo over to talk to him and the camera crew followed. The waiter comes by and starts taking orders for the table. By that time Melo had come back and I could tell he wasn't happy. The waiter goes to put our orders in and Noni starts talking about old stories about the boys. I grab my phone and text Melo.

Babe what's wrong ?

I look over at Melo ready my message and not respond. It kinda made me upset that Melo really couldn't respond, but I just let it slide. A couple of girls run up to Melo & Gelo and ask if they could take pictures with them. His mood instantly changes, and he starts smiling and being all happy. I guess my face could tell my frustration because Jaden taps me.

Jaden- don't let it bother you.

Brandi- it's only bothering me because I text him and he read my message and didn't reply.

Jaden- that's messed up.

Brandi- right but I'm not even gone trip.

After the girls get their pictures Melo sits back down and starts laughing and joking with Gelo and Zo. The food comes and we all start to eat.


Later at the Hotel

Brandi POV

I was laying down in my hotel room just scrolling through my phone. I haven't talked to Melo since he left me on read at dinner. Someone knocks on my door and I go to open it. When I open the door Melo was standing there. I let him in and walk back over to my bed.

Brandi- so what was that earlier?

Melo- huh?

Brandi- earlier when you had an attitude and you left me on read and then wanna start smiling and giggling when some girls ask for a picture.

Melo- bro what are you talking about. You sounding stupid.

Brandi- how am I sounding stupid Melo. You left me on fucking read. Like I watched you read my shit and not reply. Am I not supposed to feel some type of way.

Melo- bro no that's starting shit for no reason.

Brandi- I'm not yo fucking bro.

Melo- bro watch out with that drama shit.

Before I knew it I hit Melo two times in the chest. I was so angry at him.

Melo- alright have a nice night.

Melo walks back out the room and closes the door. I felt so bad that I hit him. I was never taught to put my hands on a man.

Melo POV

I get back in my room and I just lay down on my bed. I can't believe this girl really just put her hands on me. I never thought Brandi would do some shit like that to me. For the rest of the night I turn my phone off and just play fortnite with the bros.

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