"You have a problem, my friend," Magnus laughed. "A green problem."

"Meh," Ragnor shrugged. "I've gone this long without my love of green killing me. I think I'll be okay."

Ragnor Fell was a tall man, with prematurely white hair and a friendly smile. If one paid greater than average attention they might notice that Ragnor's fingers were very long and thin, but usually his choice of clothing prevented such observations from occurring. As if it were St. Patrick's day every day Ragnor never failed to wrap himself in green from head to toe.

"You're turn," Ragnor prompted. "I paid up, so details on Mike Chang's love life now please."

"It's so strange when you call me that," Magnus laughed. "It's been so long."

"Hey it's how I met you, and it's who you'll always be to me," Ragnor shrugged.

"That name doesn't suit me though," Magnus replied. "I really wish you'd give it up."

"Over my dead body," Ragnor answered.

Magnus just rolled his eyes. "That was what- like ten years ago?" Magnus added. "I mean talk about beating a dead horse."

"That day in Biology class I distinctly remember some kid who looked like you walk up to me and say 'Hi my name is Mike'," Ragnor stated stubbornly.

"And if I recall a mere two years later I got my real name back, and you've known me as Magnus Bane ever since," Magnus reminded him.

"I still can't believe that Magnus Bane is your real name," Ragnor laughed.

Magnus shrugged. "Hippy parents, what ya gonna do?"

"But even without the strangeness of your name," Ragnor continued. "I don't know how you could think of anything, but Mike as your real name since everyone called you Mike from diapers to sweet sixteen."

"Mom and dad always used my real name at home," Magnus explained. "It was only the world that couldn't know we were the Bane's."

"Seems awful confusing to me," Ragnor stated. "But never mind all that. Details! There's a new love in your life. Spill!"

"You presume so much just from a dopey smile, huh?" Magnus inquired.

"Absolutely!" Ragnor agreed. "A dopey smile on you is like a flashing bright pink neon sign to me." Just from the tone of his friend's voice, Magnus knew he couldn't smooth talk his way out of his conversation.

With a sigh, Magnus said, "His name is Alec and we've been going out for a while now. Though to ask him we only just established anything officially. Raphael used the word boyfriend before he did."

"Oh that can't be good," Ragnor observed. "How can you be sure he is as serious about the relationship as you, sooo obviously are?"

"That I am not worried about," Magnus smiled.


"It isn't in Alec's nature," Magnus answered. "I suspect he was thinking the same thing as me, but didn't have the experience to bring it up earlier. Or maybe he was simply too shy."

"Hmm sounds like he's nothing like your usual type then," Ragnor replied.

"He's better," Magnus grinned. "He's emotionally generous and honest."

"Oh wow," Ragnor said grinning. "That is new territory for you then, huh?"

"Wonderfully so yes," Magnus smiled.

"Well I'm happy for you," Ragnor returned his friends smile genuinely.

"Still refusing to dye your hair, I see," Magnus said after a few moments silence in which they both actually looked at the menus.

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