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"I must say I love your eye shadow," Izzy said admiringly, standing up to look more closely.

"Thanks," Magnus replied. "I was going for the winged tips, but I feel like I could have done a better job on the waterline."

"I don't know what your talking about," Izzy smiled. "It looks great! I've been working on a few new tricks myself-" She cut herself off to turn and look at Alec for a moment before quickly facing Magnus again. "Good we lost him," she continued in a whisper. "Listen Magnus I know we just met, but I need your help."

"Me?" Magnus asked. "What could I possibly do?"

"He's his own worst enemy," Izzy explained, gesturing in Alexander's direction. "He won't listen to me, but he might listen to you." She pulled something out of her purse, and seconds later Mangus realized what she was doing. "Text me. I'll be in touch," she added as she pressed a slip of paper into his hand. Magnus looked down and saw that a phone number was written on it, presumably hers.

Magnus just nodded in agreement. Izzy took this as enough, and turned to engage her brother in conversation again.

"Huh what?" Alec said, as if he'd spaced out. "Is the eyeshadow over?"

"Yes darling," Magnus laughed, reaching over to place a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "You are safe from the evil eyeshadow now."

"Thank goodness," Alec's huge sigh of relief made both Izzy and Magnus laugh, and Magnus had a feeling Alec's baby sister and him were going to get on swimmingly.

Just then, Magnus spotted his friend. "And on that note I will leave you with your lunch, besides if I'm any later my friend will think I've stood him up." He chuckled then added, "It was nice to meet you Izzy." Magnus briefly kissed Alec goodbye on the cheek before moving away. Magnus was sure somehow that Alec's eyes were still on him as he walked away and it made him grin. It was still a wonder to him sometimes how easily that man could make him smile.

Though he hadn't expected to see Alec here today, now that he thought about it, it made sense. This restaurant was located between his and Alec's residences. That plus it's reasonable prices and nice atmosphere, where else was Alec supposed to treat his sister to a nice lunch?

It took a moment to find his friend what with all the half walls and tables obscuring his view. Of course, Ragnor would sit all the way at the back of the restaurant. Magnus must have still been smiling when he reached the right table because the first words out of his mouth were to comment on his uncharacteristically good mood.

"What's that dopy look on your face for?" Ragnor roared with laughter as Magnus sat down.

"None of your business," Magnus replied.

"Oh, so Mr. Cynic has fallen again has he?" Ragnor inquired.

"Oh shut up," Magnus chuckled. "How are you?"

"Not as fine as you it seems," Ragnor replied. "Do I get details?"

"Maybe," Magnus replied. "If you've earned them."

"And what might earn me such a treasure?"

"Well for starters you could answer my question," Magnus said, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah yes how am I?" Ragnor continued. "Well I suppose I'm fine. Nothing really new to report. Never was any good at relationships. Works been good. What else... hmmm... oh I just got a new gecko! I named him Leafy."

"Let me guess," Magnus said dryly. "Your new gecko is bright green."

Ragnor laughed. "Ding ding, we have a winner," Ragnor said by way of reply.

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