"Please don't!" Frank yelled "He's just scared that's all" He tried to bargain but it didn't look like it was working. "He won't even say a word if you let him go" Gerard scoffed and looked at Jack. 

"He looks like a kid who would nark on anyone, even you if he got the chance. I don't trust him" He pulled the trigger quickly. The sound rung out in Franks ears, the blood splattered on his face as he just watched his friend get shot. "How about you? Hm?" Frank looked at the door and wanted to make a run for it but he knew he'd get shot.

He held his bag close and slowly started shuffling away. "Wrong choice kid." Gerard marched over and grabbed him "Luckily for you though, I'm now bored with killing." He picked Frank up and through him over his shoulder and walked out of the bathroom. He heard sirens and made a dash for the doors "Let's go boys!" 

Frank looked at the bathroom as they got further away. He couldn't believe what happened, it was still processing. There was a van and some cars illegally parked which Frank assumed was theirs. They threw him into the van and Gerard got in quickly, grabbing Frank and pulling him to sit on his lap since there wasn't enough seats. 

Frank was quiet while he sat on Gerard's lap. He wasn't afraid of him, well he sort of was. You can't blame him really, he did just watch his best friend get shot. He studied stuff to do about Gerard Ways family. Gerard Way is the most dangerous person in New Jersey, being in charge of a big gang and all. Frank didn't expect himself to be this calm after he was just kidnapped from his school during hours or kidnapped at all to be honest. Maybe it was the fear making him calm, he has always been good in fearful situations. Maybe it was the pot? Who knows.

They seemed to be driving for a while probably taking multiple turns so the cops didn't follow, so Frank thought he might try and make some small talk after all what has he got to lose? He was so excited to be with the biggest criminal of all time in Jersey let alone sitting in his lap. He wasn't scared nor worried, he was filled with happiness. 

Well not really happiness, not filled with it at least. He was more excited? He followed this man in the news, read about him and even did reports on him. For him it was like a field trip.

"So you gonna tell me what's going on Mr Big Boss Man?" Frank turned his head to look at the tall man behind him, he had hazel eyes that shone but also was filled with darkness. He wondered if this man had any emotions.

"Well look who has a voice." Gerard grinned "I was wondering if you were going to make a noise or not."

"I was just wondering what I would say to you was all" 

"You don't have to say anything. I prefer the quiet. Now Keep your mouth shut." He grabbed Frank's head and turned it to face the other side of the van.

"I would much rather face the other way, your 'dog' over here isn't so pleasing to look at" Frank huffed

"Hey watch your mouth kid, shut it or I'll shut it for ya." One of the men said.

"Whatever, I wasn't taking to you, you bald fuck" Frank felt Gerard's grip tighten around his waist and a sharp prick in his back, his body tensed as he realized what it was. 

"Careful kid, one more word from your mouth and this goes straight through you." Gerard spoke through gritted teeth.

Frank sat there with his mouth shut, he really didn't want to get stabbed, he knew how much it hurt and he didn't want to deal with the pain. Although he did think about leaning back and showing Gerard he wasn't afraid. He contemplated that for a bit before deciding to slow lean back, putting more pressure against the knife. 

He wiggled his body to try move the knife to a softer part of his back. Gerard  looked down at the boy on his lap with confusion as he saw him slowly lean back onto the knife. He wasn't sure what this kid was doing. "What are you doing?" 

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