Chapter 2: Bet

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"Do I get the plaid scissors or the red ones?"

Why is this even a question?

"Lemme see the plaid ones," I answer. I walk up to Colt, and he holds out the two pairs of scissors to me.

It's the day before the first day of our junior year, and Colt and I decided to get some last-minute school shopping done. I had also called my mom to see if she needed me to pick anything up from the store while we were there, and of course, she rattled off a list a half-mile long. 

I raise a hand to my chin and stroke it like I have a beard and I'm contemplating a major life decision instead of deciding on a pair of school scissors for my best friend. I look between the red pair and the blue-and-red plaid pair.

"It's a tough decision isn't it?" he asks empathetically.

"Life and death," I reply sarcastically. I tap the plaid pair, and Colt immediately throws the red pair onto a random shelf. "You'll be the coolest kid in school."

He scoffs. "Like I'm not already the coolest kid in school."

"I take it back."

I don't even know why he needs scissors. It's not like our teachers won't have them at his disposal should he need them or that he doesn't have any at his house, but I've stopped questioning him a long time ago. Gave me headaches.

"What's next on the list?" he asks.

I pull out our list from my front pocket and scan for anything not checked off already.

"Binders... notebooks... writing shit... folders... scissors," I mumble, going through what we've gotten. I focus back on Colt and shake my head. "Nothing. We've got everything."

He shrugs in agreeance and nods.

"Awesome. My feet hurt and I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry you big baby," I tease as we push our buggies to the check-out, and Colt lets me unload my stuff onto the conveyor belt first.

"I'm a growing boy," he pouts. He pulls his lips down into a frown and rubs his belly. "I have growing pains."

"I'll show you growing pains if you keep complaining," I warn, giving him 'the eye' as I put the last binder on the belt.

My stare is broken when the cashier starts speaking up.

"Y'all are so cute!" he gushes. "How long have y'all been dating?"

I look to Colt. Colt looks to me. We burst out laughing at the remark until we're in stitches.

"You... you think we're... we're dating," Colt puffs out through his giggles.

The cashier looks at us in confusion like we've both grown another head.

"You're not dating?" he asks. He looks genuinely confused, and that makes me laugh even harder.

"No, no, no! No!" Colt answers, having gotten himself together. "She's my best friend. We could never..."

My laughs die down, and I watch him grow quiet. He stares at me with amusement dripping in his stare, and I stare back, a warm feeling in my tummy blossoming.

"I'm sorry for making assumptions. The way you two were bickering, it looks like you've been together for ages."

"More like best friends for ages," I correct, tearing my eyes away from Colt. The cashier rattles off the total price, keeping that reluctant gleam in his eyes, and I dig through my wallet and give him the money.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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