Chapter 6

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"Holy fuck..." The boy looked around, then pulled Izuku onto his back, piggyback style. He put a hand up to his ear, then talked to someone. Izuku felt himself slipping into unconsciousness.

"Hey, you. Hey! What is your name?" the boy asked. Midoriya tried to answer, but felt himself lose control of his mouth. His eyes fluttered, then shut. The last thing he heard was the boy cursing and apologizing.

An older teen hopped off the elevator. He had swoopy brown hair and brown eyes. His cheeks, as thin as he was, were very puffed out, like he was holding something in his mouth. He wore a blue plaid button-up under a dark blue sweatshirt, and khakis. He had on a black and blue backpack, and small silver bracelets.

This boy was named Peter Parker, a 15-year-old junior. He glanced at his phone for the time, then walked into the small medical center. It only had a few rooms, and most of them were for recovery. The group who owned it got into a lot of trouble.

He opened up the messages app on his phone and made sure he had the right number. He walked up to one of the rooms and knocked.

"Come on in," a voice softly called from inside. Peter pushes open the door and stepped into the bright room. It had multiple chairs, a desk, and a small hospital bed in one corner.

A small, green-haired boy lay unconscious on the bed. (Maybe it was natural, his eyebrows were green, and even the wisps on the sides were too.) His face was dotted with freckles and bandages. His arms were wrapped and his forehead had a few strips as well. His body was covered in bruises, and he had a black eye. It was unsettling, to say the least. He couldn't be older than 14, yet the injuries he had sustained were far beyond what even an adult usually deals with. He wore a hospital gown, but his toned body stuck out.

Parker turned to face the other man in the room. The older man was Bruce Banner, a scientist and the designated doctor for the group that owned the hospital. He had black hair tinged with gray, and dark eyes. He had very full lips and a stubbly chin. He wore a doctor's coat over a purple button-up and dark gray jeans. He was sitting on a chair in front of a computer, hunched over.

"Has he woken up yet?"

"Well, yeah, but he's been delirious with fever. It's going down, so he should be alright soon, but I make no promises. Those injuries are pretty serious," the man said.

"Could you figure out how he got them?"

"It's really weird. He looks like he fell from a great height, got into a really bad fight, and went over his limiters."


"The body has built-in limiters to keep someone from overexerting themselves, but in times of crisis, they can surpass those limits and use 100% of their energy. He went past them. And it looks like he's gone past them in the past, as well. His body has tons of scars and damage from using too much force."

"Well... that's great."

"Yeeaaaahh..." Banner stood up from his stool. "God, I'm tired. He's been having seizures, and whenever he wakes up he tries to run out the window, screaming in apparently perfect, but super informal, Japanese. I got Natasha on FaceTime, but she said that what he was saying didn't make any sense. He was yelling about a purple horn, not wanting a banana, and something to do with sleeves."

"That's pretty weird." Peter walked over and plopped on the couch. Bruce stretched, and sighed.

"You alright?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. I'm worried about when he actually wakes up though. I hope he knows English."

"That would be pretty scary." Peter pulled his backpack off. "Waking up in a hospital, surrounded by people you don't know, speaking a language you don't know, after being a situation that led to being injured like that." He rummaged around the bag, then pulled out a water bottle and some headache pills.

Hero Journal No. 14 (MHAxMCU/Marvel crossover)Where stories live. Discover now