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I glance at my phone. It's probably just a notification for one of my games. The water on the stove bubbles over for a moment before I blow on it to keep it down. I've been distracted all morning since I put myself on that app. I shut the burner off once the noodles are done then strain them before I check my phone.


I straighten my glasses and dust off my paint apron. My excitement manifests in a little huff. The app took a little bit to open - something I'll have to fix in the next version.

You've matched with Hel. Say hi!

"Hel?" I glance through the profile. All the information is vague, like they didn't know how to fully answer the questions. A knock sounds on the door at the same time a raven lands and caws in the window. My phone falls out of my hand and I elbow my brush canister.

"Careful there, mortal."

A large hand keeps me from falling. And another catches the canister. Hel is larger than I expected. She towers over me by at least a foot and a half. She has a wide, but very sturdy figure. And her blonde hair is up in a crown of braids.

"Are you alright?" Her pale blue eyes search mine, and I find myself blushing. "Oh dearie, you aren't getting sick are you?"

"I-No. Of course not. How did you get in here?" I return the brushes to their spot on the counter then look at the still locked door.

"A lady never reveals her secrets. I came here to ask you for a date." Her persistent tone makes me a little nervous, but then she follows it up with a sigh. "But I have no idea what you mortal's consider a date to be."

"How about some Netflix and pizza?" I offer as I scratch my head.

"Delightful. I shall return posthaste with the pizza." She pauses by the door. "Where does one procure said food?"

I wiggle my phone at her and she just looks at me.

"Pizza comes from the tiny magical sliver?"

"No you have to-" She has started to fiddle with my things. "Please don't touch those. The pizza?"

"Right. Show me, mortal."

"My name is Maggie."

"Of course, mortal - Maggie. What is Netflix?"

I sigh.

This is going to be a long date.

Aim to Participate: An AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now