Chapter 2

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Chapter 2||

I put my key into the door and ran into the house, "Brooke! You will never believe what happened today!" I was yelling like a four year old that was for sure. She came out of her room with a toothbrush in her mouth, meet Brooke she sleeps in really late and then starts her day.

"Wat!" The toothbrush muffled her words. "A cute guy gave me his number.", "Aren't you happy being single?"

Now that was the million dollar question. I wasn't going to lie to myself I was more than happy. No stress and no drama, just me and my friends. So yes I was super happy being single, "Yep, I'm just not used to it. It's normally you or Celeste. Never really me." Brooke smiled, "Girlie you are the hottest person I've ever met. You need to be friends with this thing called self-esteem. She's a wonderful person."

"I know, but I'm surprised. No one goes for the girl with the glasses. It'll be a miracle if he actually likes me." Brooke starts to curl her hair, during mid twirl she tells me, "Your happy being single, so just tell him that." I think my brother made that clear enough.

I made my way towards the kitchen and warmed up some water and put tea bags into mugs. Brooke made her way out dressed and ready for human interaction, while I poured the tea and thought about what happened at the cafe.

Hours later Brooke is drinking another cup of tea and watching friends with me. "We should go clubbing.", "Can you say that one more time, but slowly?" Brooke laughed and said it slowly, "C-L-U-B-B-I-N-G, w e should go clubbing. I think it would be good for you, maybe you'll see what's his face."

In all reality I wanted to eat ramen and watch friends, but since Brooke hadn't been out in a week I guess it was time. "Sure.", "Ahh! I love you! We can call Celeste and get ready. It'll be great."

"Should we invite her?", "Her boyfriend just got back, they going to be fucking like bunnies all night." I took in a sharp breath, "Can we please not talk about my brothers and best friends sex life?" We giggled and made our way towards my room.

Brooke turned on some getting ready music and we danced and sang to our hearts content. Suddenly she broke out the vodka and she was taking shots. Looks like I'm designated driver tonight.  She started to curl my hair and I didn't trust her with the curling wand anymore. Lizzo came on and we started screaming the Lyrics not caring about our stupid ass neighbors. I put on my dress and put in my contacts and we were ready to leave.

We got into a taxi because I knew tonight I was actually going to try and drink. I needed to let lose just for a second. We were in the taxi and Brooke was already having fun, giggling about the silliest things, going on her phone texting random people, and of course, talking to me about random crap. God was I happy to see the club. Walking inside people turned and looked at us both and I looked down to see if there was anything wrong with my outfit or hair. But everything looked great.

Brooke made her way to the bar and sat down, "Two gin and tonics." She got comfortable and patted the chair next to her. The heels she picked out for me were already annoying the crap out of me so I was glad to take a seat and have a drink. After our second drink Brooke pulled me to the dance floor. I don't know what got into me but I started to dance. I moved my hips, I let my teenage self take over. I knew it started to work when a guy was behind me grinding. Brooke had guys all over her and she was enjoying every bit it.

"You should turn around so I can see you." His voice came out huskily and I followed his instructions. Boy was this a surprise, "Bryant.", "Miss. Ellie, I didn't expect you to be here tonight. Did you miss me that much?" I walked away from him and back to the bar where I had left my drink, "I wouldn't drink that if I were you. Someone could of drugged it.", "Let me guess, you came here tonight to get laid?" He raised his eyebrows and smirked, "Maybe." I laughed at him, "I'm so glad I didn't fall for your charms.", "Well, to be honest, I came here because my girlfriend broke up with me and my boys thought I need to take my mind off of her."

A wave of sadness flooded over me. I didn't know why, but it was sad. He was just lonely and here for a good time I would guess. "Girls are weird Bryant, I should know."

"I like you Ellie, but I think you fell for my charms. I could've been lying." His eyes went into slits and I felt a pang of guilt. "Well it's nice to know boys can stoop so low to lie." I walked away after that, some people wouldn't call that confidence but right now I had all the confidence in the world.
What is up, so here i am with Chapter two! 🤪 Hopefully this is good, I know clubbing for chapter two is kinda crazy, but enjoy!

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