~ six ~

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Cassandra and Hannah are acting really weird, I notice as they purposefully sit on either side of me at the game. "So what you're saying is," Cass throws some popcorn into her mouth. "Is that some random guy you just met... brought you to a dirt pile for your first date?" Hannah giggles on my opposite side and I hate feeling like I'm caught right in the middle of their judgement.

I nod, "It wasn't a pile of dirt." I explain to them again how CJ and I spent the evening staring at the stars.

"I see it every time I go to practice," Cass scoffs. "It's a pile of dirt."

"Hey, be nice." Hannah swats  playfully at Cass behind my back. "He bought her coffee first," she bites her lip to keep the laughter inside. Cass, on the other hand, laughs loudly, spilling some of her popcorn to the bleacher floor.

I stare straight ahead, focusing my mind on the screech from the refs whistle  and the hollers of a few dozen football players on the large green field. They weren't there, I remind myself. They didn't see how magical it really was, they don't know how somehow, it was exactly what I needed in all of this mess.

I sense them still beside me as they realize I'm actually upset. Let them be concerned for a little bit, I tell myself. It wasn't fair what they just did - making me feel silly for enjoying a date, judging my date before they even met him. Especially when they're the ones always pushing me to talk to guys. I think about CJ, how he is so playful when I need a laugh, and how he turns gentle when I'm this close to hiding within myself, knowing what I need before I can even tell myself. They just don't know him, I repeat over and over in my mind, trying to silence their judgements about the boy I just met.

A loud whistle calls the captains to the center of the field and the players rush over to their bleachers. "Let's go, boys!" Cass hollers as the teams get into their places. Our football team has done really well this season, and this game is a championship of some sort. I don't follow sports well enough to know, but Cass, as an athlete herself, makes us go to all the games to support the other teams.

I watch as the game unfolds, hearing cheers, whistles, and loud horns when our team scores. I see the action on the field, but my mind isn't paying attention. I keep thinking of CJ and what it felt like to have his strong hands on my waist, to kiss him. Kissing him was the first time in my life that everything, all the worries and doubts, just went away. A final, blaring blow horn sounds as Cass jumps to her feet in an excited cheer, flinging the rest of her popcorn onto me and Hannah's laps. Hannah looks up at her shyly brushing the kernels to the floor. I'll have to ask about that, I make a mental note.

"JJ is texting me the address right now," Cass is practically dancing down the hill back to our dorms. "Find your best party outfits, ladies! I'll provide the alcohol," She winks.

"No thanks, I don't do parties, remember?" I sigh, thinking of my warm bed waiting for me.

"Too bad. This is the biggest party we'll have all year," Cass argues, frantically typing on her phone.

I look to Hannah but she only shrugs. "It could be fun," Feeling a bit betrayed, I swipe my ID to get us into the dorm. I don't know when Hannah and Cass teamed up to sabotage me, but I am not enjoying it one bit.

Hannah throws me numerous outfits to try on as soon as we're through the door, Cass having left to hit the liquor store with some of her teammates. "I don't want to go," I complain, throwing the outfits back at her.

"It will be fun. I promise your studying will still be here when you get back," Hannah teases, tossing one last shirt into my hands. "That one will look great with your hair," She busies herself with her own make-up.

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