Chapter 17 - Run Away

Start from the beginning

I know I am safe if is stay near the cliff because I know how to kill the grievers. I sit

down and start to shake even more. I look up the walls. I can climb the walls I almost

forgot. I get up and start climbing the vines all the way to the top. I lie down curling

myself into a ball and I start to sob harder. I lie in this fetal position for hours.

Zoe! Where are you everyone is freaking out! I hear Thomas shout into my head. His

voice echoing in my head.

Leave me alone! Don’t talk to me! I say to him.

What’s wrong?

Leave me alone!

No! What’s wrong? Where are you?

Shut up! Don’t talk to me! I shout then I just stop talking to him. He keeps talking to

me and shouting my name but I ignore him. I close my eyes and try to stop shaking

but I can’t. I listen to the sounds around me.

Whirr. Click. Whirr. Moan. Screech. Whirr. Click. Whirr. Grievers. At least I know I am

safe up here. I clench my hands into fists. Why? Why did I have to help WICKED?

Why did they make me create the maze? Why wouldn’t they just let me die? I am

Bad. I try to go to sleep but Ben’s words keep floating in my head and I don’t want to

sleep knowing the nightmare that is awaiting for me. I let out a shaky breath. I laugh

a little with no humor. I could just die, I want to die but I don’t want to. I have a great

life in the glade and I still want to figure out my past life. I want to have a future. I let

sleep takes me over.

            I wake up and look around me. I am lying on stone. I see the sun is just now

rising. That means the runners will be out soon and more or likely looking for me, if

they noticed I was gone and by the way Thomas wouldn’t shut is shucking hole they

have noticed. I sigh and sit up. Dry tears mask my face and I rub them off with the

hem of my shirt. I don’t want to go back but I do. My stomach growls and I laugh a

little thinking of the first time I ran out into the maze. I was so afraid of where I was

and how I got there but now I am afraid again. Not because I don’t know where I am

but because of what I am. Bad, evil, WICKED and a creator. Creator of the maze. I

start to shake again. I don’t want the other gladers to see me. I don’t want them to

hear me. I just don’t.

Zoe, if you are listening the runners is going out right now to look for you, everyone is

worried. Please come back. I hear Thomas say in my head. I sigh.

You don’t get it Tom, I don’t want to be found, I don’t want to talk to anyone and I

don’t want anyone to see me. Please just stop talking to me. I say to him with tears

running down my face. I don’t want to hurt anyone but it’s too late for that. I put

them all here. I did this to them. Me.

Zoe please come back. Tell me what’s wrong. I can hear the desperation in his voice.

No Tom! Just stop. I say. He desperately tries to get me to talk but I don’t answer. I

Stand up and look over the edge of the wall. I could jump and fall to my death. I think

that would be a lot easier then living. Just dying and never hurt anyone ever

again. I step closer to the edge and close my eyes. I am ready to die. Ready to leave

this world not harming another soul on this planet. Then I remember Newt. I

promised him I would never leave and look what I just did. I left the glade and now I

am about to jump and kill myself. My heart pounds and I step away from the edge. I

put my face in my hands and I sob. I am shaking harder then ever now. Why does my

life hate me so much? Why does my life have to be complicated? I can’t live without

hurting someone and I can’t die without hurting someone. All I ever wanted was to

make people happy and to just be happy but that’s obviously not going to happen. I

start to think. If I die then I will harm all the gladers, probably putting some into the

point of depression to make them want to kill themselves making other gladers do

the same thing but if I live I could possibly put all gladers into their own death.

Either way, I am hurting people. Killing people. I stop sobbing. I don’t want them to

Die because of depression. If they are going to die at least they will do it fighting,

More or likely. Then the thought of killing myself comes back into my mind. Maybe

Not that many people actually care about me. Maybe it will just be Newt who dies

And we can live happily in the after life. I scoot closer to the edge and swing my legs


Zoe don’t you dare think like that! Thomas yells in my head. My eyes widen I forgot

he can hear some of my thought.

Why not I will be hurting people if I live? I say.

You’ll be hurting more people if you die. Please come back Zoe everyone is being

Depressed and klunk because you are gone, and Newt oh man he is in bad shape.

He won’t talk to anyone, hasn’t eaten anything since last night, and he is yelling at

Everyone to look for you. Please come back. Thomas says. I sigh. I can’t let Newt

Stay like that. I get up and start to climb down the walls. When I am about three

Fourths of the way down my hand slips on one of the vines and I fall. As I am falling

One thought goes through my head. I say it to Thomas.

Tell Newt I didn’t mean to and that I am sorry. I say. I feel my leg burst into pain as it hits the ground beneath me. My head hits the stone floors and everything goes black.

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