Chapter 11 - Name

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        I run down a large empty white corridor. I see doors on either side of me but I only go to the one at the very end. I can hear people shouting for me to come back and to stop but I keep running towards it like my life depends on it. I get to the door and open it. I walk into a white room with several people, all boys. They stare back at me and I just stand there not knowing what to say. Someone comes running through the door and grabs me. I squirm and thrash against their grip but it is too strong. They take me away from the boys and drag me down the hall. I look up and see a tall man with dark black hair looking straightforward. I ask where he is taking me and why but all he does is pull on my hair causing me to scream. The man throws me into a room and I crash on the wall and hit my head. I fall to the ground but quickly get up and run towards the man and try to push him out of the way of the only door in this white empty room. He just stands there and laughs at me. I punch him in the groin and he falls to his knees. I quickly run around him and back down the hall towards the boys but I get stopped by dozens of people all dressed in white with WICKED on their shirts. A woman looks at me.

“Dear Zoe, you need to learn that WICKED is good. We don’t want to punish you any more but since you’ve tried to run away… how many times now?” She asks the man with black hair who gotten up and walked next to her. He looks angrily at me.

“Forty six times now.” He says.

“Forty six times tisk, tisk, tisk Zoe you are one of our smartest subjects here we really shouldn’t be punishing you when you should know not to run away.” She says.

“WICKED IS BAD!” I scream at her.

“No Zoe WICKED is good and the best thing that’s ever happened to you and you are the best thing that has happened to us. You created the maze and all the trails at a very small age at that.” She says.

“I don’t care anymore! I never wanted anyone to get hurt especially none of them and myself!” I yell at her.

“Grab her she needs to be punished.” She says and two men grab me by the arms and throw me back into the room. I run quickly at them but they shut the door before I could do anything about it. I bang myself against the door but its no use. I sit down in the corner and start crying.

“It’s all my fault.” I keep repeating and repeating.

             I wake up with a start. I am shaking and breathing heavily. Was that just another nightmare or a… memory? It feels so real and I feel like that actually happened. I look around and see everything shaded with the moons light. I don’t want to be here anymore I need to get out. I slip on some shoes and head to the door. I turn the door handle but it won’t move. Wow they locked me in my own shucking room. I roll my eyes and head to the window. They can’t keep me in here. I open it and hop out. I know I am on the second floor but it won’t hurt me. I jump down and the impact hurts my legs just a little. I walk to the deadheads not wanting to wake any gladers up. I walk to the corner and look up. I grab the vines and start to climb. I climb all the way to the top and then I just sit there taking in the fresh air that the breeze blows. I close my eyes and just try to relax. I don’t want to think about the dream I just had, or any other dream I ever had. I actually get calmed down after twenty minuets or so. I open my eyes and look around the glade. Everyone is sleeping. It’s actually a really pretty view of the glade and I can look at the maze, even though I go in the maze every. Single. Day. I still like to look at it especially from this view. I look at the maze. I can hear the moaning and clicking of the grievers. Thank god I’ve only encountered those nasty buggers one time and that’s when I first got to the glade. That’s when I tricked them to roll them off the cliff. I hear a panting noise breaking me out of my thoughts. I look around but nothings there. I shrug but keep my guard up. I hear it again, it sounds like someone… SOMEONES CLIMBING THE WALL! I look down the wall I climbed and see Newt’s face. I gasp and help him up. He sits down breathing heavily.

“What the shuck are you doing?” I ask.

“I saw you climb the bloody wall so I followed you to see what you were doing.” He says.

“What did you think I was going to shuckin do?” I ask.

“Either jump and kill yourself or go into the maze.” He says.

“No! I would never go into the maze at night, again.” I say.

“Then what in the bloody hell are you doing up here?”

“This is my, was my secret spot until you found it.” I say.

“Oh.” He says. “Sorry.”

“Its fine, just don’t tell anyone. I like it up here it’s quiet and I love the view.”

“All right I won’t.” He says. I look at his leg. I wonder how he got that limp.

Before I could stop myself the words escaped my lips.

“Why do you limp?”

I see a flash of pain go across his face then it disappears.

“Well I was a runner but about a year ago I was being chased by a bloody griever and twisted my bloody ankle and now it’s all shucked up.” He says. I feel sorry for him. Now he can’t be a runner because of those stupid grievers because the shucking creators had to put us in here with those stupid things.

“We should get back girl.” He says.

“Zoe.” I say.

“What?” He gives me a confused look.

“My name is Zoe.” I smile.

“Zoe.” He whispers to himself. He smiled at me.

“Why did you tell me?” He asks.

“I just felt… I don’t know I guess you shared something personal so I shared something personal and I can trust you.” I said.

“Why can you trust me?” He asks.

“I honestly don’t know I just feel like I can trust you the most around here and I’ve felt that way for a while now, maybe after I met you I don’t know. Well I guess I can’t actually trust you, trust you but I can trust you with simple things like this.” I feel my cheeks get hot.

“Well Zoe, you can trust me.” He says.

“I don’t know.” I say.

“Why not?”

“Because Newt, I’m scared.” I blurt out.

“I know we are all scared but you can trust us, hell you’re friends with Gally.” He says chuckling a little.

“Yeah I know but this is different. I’m not afraid of the glade, any of you or even the maze. I’m afraid of…” I drift off.

“Afraid of what?” He asks.

“Myself.” I say with a tear rolling down my face.

“Why would you be afraid of yourself?” He asks. I sigh and stare right at him. His brown eyes staring into mine like they are trying to touch my soul.

“I… I made the maze.” I start to sob. He scoots closer to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I lean my head on his shoulder and just cry. He doesn’t say anything, which I’m glad for. He rests his head on mine and I don’t mind I just sit there and cry and I start mumbling to myself. I just cry and say five little words that changed everything.

It is all my fault.

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