Chapter Fifty-Four, Part One

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"There's moments when even I can't or shouldn't intervene. Paps had hope the fallen human could change, so I let him -- What kinda brother would I even be if I told 'im he couldn't have that hope?"

"And what kind of brother were you to let him die? You could’ve done something way earlier -- But you used that stupid promise with Torie- th. . . that goat woman and your 'karma' as an excuse.” Flowey smiles, taunting the skeleton by leaning closer to him. “Tell me, isn't that the truth? Or are you willing to admit you're not strong enough unless you gain karma -- that you would've been one of the very first victims hadn't you waited to grow stronger?"

"If that'll make you feel better, yeah. I'm not strong enough -- I'm weak as hell. But what’re ya gonna do about that? I’m fully aware of my weaknesses, pal.”

Sans's vision goes blurry when the flower's grip grows stronger. He sees him grin even brighter, looking pleased.

"I'll have my fun with your human when you’re dead -- more than others and I have already."

"What're you implyin'?"

The flower flashes his teeth with the rise of that question, a grin forming as more thorns spike out of his body and its trail of vines. "I'll tear them apart bit by bit. They might have a soul, and its trait might be defined now, but they're weak -- just as weak as you."

"They might have their weak points, but they ain't weak as a whole."

He hears the flower laugh, mockery and genuine humour interchanging. 

"That's what you want to believe, Smiley. But how strong are they really if they let themselves be controlled by their ex? They dated Jessie for more years than they have with you, and not one time while you were in that picture did they stood up for themselves. They even told you to tutor Faust at school after Jessie told them to! (Y/N) made that agreement with their ex even though it involved keeping you out of the picture -- And don't even get me started on your restraining order and the mayor!"

"They raised Faust on their own, endured an unhealthy relationship, got fired from the department for wantin' to help monsters, and’re still here even with all the stuff we've been through."

"But do those things really signify strength? They could've avoided all those things had they submitted to their fate."

"I really wouldn't call that strength. Or isn’t that what you're callin' me out for?"

"Nice to see you're finally seeing things my way, Smiley. You-"

Knock, knock.

A soft knock on the room's entrance door stops the flower in his triumph. Both Sans and him turn to face the door and hear a voice from the other side.

"Sans? Are you okay?"

The monster in question takes a look at the time marked on his phone, the usual hour (Y/N) was used to visiting at showing on the screen. He mutters a curse to himself, seeing the flower still taunting him on the side.

"Yeah," he replies, searching for an excuse. "I'm just, uh. . . showerin'."

"Why'd you lock this door then, dummy?" the human asks, a nervous trill to their laugh. "Are you. . . Are you really okay?"

The way (Y/N)'s voice sounds with their last statement makes warning bells sound in his head, followed by the urge for him to try and fix things.

"Listen, (Y/N), I-"

Sans coughs loud when the vines grow too tight, vision blurring out almost entirely, saved by him trying to stay awake to use what little magic he can to open the door and reveal himself to the human behind it.

Save Point (Sans x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن