Chapter 11

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During the two weeks I've spent here, I've realized that there was a lot wrong with me. My therapist says she's seen a lot of improvement and even is letting me go home tomorrow. My problem is that I don't know if I want to go home anymore. I've made great friends, practiced a lot of music, and found a home away from home. I know I'll miss this place.

My parents come first thing in the morning but stay in the meeting area while I eat breakfast. My therapist is talking with them about how to treat me when I'm back home. She says that teaching parents is a very important part of the recovery process because if your parents don't support you at home, who will?

I finish packing up my bags, then tell Jasmine goodbye.

"Hopefully you can go home soon, too," I tell her.

"I think I'll get to leave next week," she says. "Good luck with your parents."

"Thank you." I feel a wave of melancholy wash over me as I hand my bags to my dad and get into the car. Sure, home might be nice, but it will always have sour memories for me.

Back at the house, I feel overwhelmed. All my bad habits originated here, and it doesn't make me feel as safe as it once used to.

"We found some voice coaches nearby online. You can help us pick one if you'd like," my mom says.

"It's fine. I trust your judgement," I reply.

I really just want to message Alisha and tell her I'm back home and doing a lot better. Now that I'm doing a lot better, I want to urge her to tell someone about her problems and advise her to ask for help.

"Okay. We'll call you out for lunch once you're unpacked."

I walk back to my room and lay my suitcase on the floor before sitting on my bed. I look at my phone that my parents left charging on my bedside table. I turn it on and cautiously look at my notifications. There are so many, that I don't even know where to start. A lot of them are messages from online friends and notifications that I get every time Demi posts on social media.

I message Alisha quickly, telling her that I'm back home, doing well, and looking forward to messaging her again.

After that, as any fangirl would, I check Demi's Instagram page. She posted quite a bit while I was gone, so I go through them and like them all. One of the posts is a picture of Demi with three of the coaches of the last season of The Voice, a show that I am obsessed with. The caption reads, "I am so excited to join these coaches next season on The Voice!"

I let out a little squeal. If Demi's a judge on The Voice, and my parents support my interest in singing, I know that I have to try to get on the show and perform. It would be a dream come true!

I look into what it takes to audition on The Voice. As long as my parents are okay with it, I think I should be able to. This opportunity could change my life. Demi helped save me, and I want to let her know all she did to help me.


The next day, I ask my parents about auditioning for The Voice. I had my first singing lesson the day before; she had said I had a "really good voice for someone who hadn't taken lessons before," so I felt ready.

My parents agree that if auditioning for The Voice would make me happy and not stress me out too much that it could be a good idea.

I text Alisha excitedly, and she seems very happy for me.

With the help of my parents and new vocal coach, I sign up to audition for The Voice. My coach helps me practice a few different song choices, and my parents completely support me, as long as I'm doing my homework and spending some time with them. I think about how this is what I had always dreamed my life would be like; it's incredible.

After my figure skating coach heard the I was back home, she phoned our house and asked if I would be returning. She seemed quite upset with my answer, since apparently, I am "good enough for the Olympics," but amazingly, I did not care.

I felt free and happy. Sure, life with an eating disorder would be hard, and I knew that. Even with this knowledge, though, I was prepared for what came ahead, and promised myself I would face it head on. I couldn't wait.


So, here is the final chapter of this story! Hopefully, I will start publishing the second book of the series in the New Year. The second book will be in Demi's point of view, so I'm really excited to start writing it! Thank you so much to everyone who took time to read this story!


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