Chapter 2

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 The next two days until the showcase pass much the same as the previous and by the time the night arrives, I believe that I am prepared to perform well, not good yet, but I don't really care anyways.

My mom picks me up from school as per usual and brings me to my hairdresser so that she can do my hair for the event. She curls my thick hair and ties most of it up into a beautiful style. My mom does my makeup in the car outside the skating arena, then goes inside to watch with all the other proud family members and friends of the performers. My dad will be there as well.

I change into my glitzy, pink dress in the changeroom and the other girls change into their own outfits for performing. We're all a bit nervous even though we've done this plenty, so we talk a lot more than usual.

I skate second tonight in our category which is the second category as well. The dance pairs go first. This entire showcase consists of our level only, and there will be professional trainers scouting for the Olympics. I saw their saved seats during practice the night before.

Once our group is announced, we all skate around the rink a few times to warm up, then head to our seats while we wait for our turns.

"First in this category is Bella Ramone performing to Halo," the announcer says.

Once Beyoncé's song begins I really start to feel the music. Hope had really wanted to perform to this song but had to go with her second choice instead: When You Look Me in the Eyes. Bella thinks she has to get her own way. After her performance, she makes her way off the ice, and I step on and get into position.

"Next, we have Samantha Baxter performing to Skyscraper."

As the music starts to play, I slide my right skate along the ice and slowly work into a glide before beginning the dance. I'm not really feeling it tonight, but I don't know if many people notice. Still, I try my best to make my parents proud of me, then skate off the ice once my song is done.

"Good job! We're so proud of you!" my mom raves as we leave the arena later.

"Thanks," I reply, but my heart isn't into it.

The coach had said that I did amazing, so did my score. But that didn't matter to me. I had to get home.

When we get back home, I run to my bedroom and turn on my phone. Going on Instagram, I look for a reply from my best friend ever, a girl named Alisha, who is a Lovatic from Mexico. We had met online the first time just over a year ago and are open with each other with practically everything. She deals with self-harm; I deal with my parents. We are one and the same when it comes to why we love Demi: she saved our lives.

ALISHA: How did your performance go?
ME: Okay. How was your day?
ALISHA: Not the best

As always, we talk for more than an hour before signing off. She comes from a large Mexican family that doesn't have a lot of money. She's on a cheerleading team, though, so we both understood the struggles that come with competing.

"We're going to bed now, Sam," my dad says, and I look up to see him and Mom standing outside my door.

"Goodnight," I say, and they leave to go to bed.

I spend some time on YouTube watching more Demi Lovato videos and listen to music until my eyes start to droop closed. Then I lay down and drift off to sleep.

Saved By Demi Lovato (Saved Series- Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن