A mountain of corpses fit for a queen to sit apron.

The younger version of lance was frozen to the spot, the air heavy around them as the Nen grew stronger with each passing second. It felt like he was being suffocated, the gravity pulling him to the earth centre.

Suddenly it stopped, he blinked letting out a shuddering breath as green hues darted towards the centre of the chaos.

Mari still stood there but the mad grin was gone, instead it was replaced with child-like wondered. Her eyes wide and innocent as she grazed at the taller man in front of her.

Lance couldn't see much other that the tips of white hair that stuck out of the grey cloak he wore. He watched in wonder as the man showed her the black necklace, whisper a few words and patted the girls head.

Mari grinned, nodding before taking the chain and cross.

He blinked, green hues widening in surprised as he realised that the man was gone and Mari lay still on the floor.

"That was the first time she used her human form" he spoke softly returning to relatively. "Problem was that seal gave the higher ups in the labs a prefect means to control their weapon. Luckily there never did break her..."

"You say that she's a weapon of mass destruction but we've never seen anything of the sort" Leorio spoke his mind with a thoughtful expression.

Lance chuckled, "that simple, she enjoys holding back. By holding back she's able to enjoy the fight more, what the point in destroying your emeries before you had the chance to play? That's not in her nature"

"Ah I get ya"

"Plus if you want an example, she destroyed the island that the labs were on"

"Yeah I think she mentioned that.. WAIT! She got the power to destroy a whole island!" the boys shouted in shock.

Lance grinned.

"But that doesn't explained what happened now" pondered Gon a small pout making its way onto his face, "why did you get us to help you put her seal back on"

He let out a small chuckled, "she wouldn't be able to say no to you two, your family you know"

Killua frowned, "I get that part but why? "

"The power was trying to lose control. To break free from the cage she has to put it in so that she doesn't accidently blow up the city by sneezing. Moreover, she hasn't been taking her medication so unless she's using her power constantly it's going to be painful. Like a thousand knifes are stabbing into her body over and over again just to release carnage onto the world"

The boys were silent, letting the words sink in.

Gon was the first one to break the silence, "if it hurt then why does she take it off"

"To protect those she has left and to completely swipe scum from JA genetics completely off the face of the earth" There wasn't a trance of emotion on his face, features were blank as continued to speak, "wouldn't you risk everything for those you love the most. She lost it all once, she won't ever let that happen again"

The males before him were silence letting the words sink in, all of them silently agreeing with the male, if there situation were reverse they would do the same.

"So the after-effect?" killua asked quietly.

"The body shuts down from overload, she in a state of semi-consciousness. She can sense everything but the body wont response for a period of time. It sort of like a coma, thoughts it depends how serve the after-effect will be"

"Anything else we should know?" Leorio asked.

Lance thought for a moment, fingers resting on his chin. "No, I don't think so, if anything come to mind I shall let you know"

The males nodded, and as one looked up the stairwell to the sleeping female room, all each with their different thoughts...

To be continued...

hey all!

filter chapter i know filter chapters to come (along with some sexy time :P )

ahh, sorry for the shortness on the chap and for not uploading sinea story on Saturday as i planed...

i had a bit of an accident and went to a&e its put a damper on my plans... :/ oops

but here you go!

hope to all enjoyed this lovely chapter !

tell us what you think

happy hunting xx

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