chapter 49

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She skipped towards the edge of the crater. Now that was sorted, she had a new puzzle to break.


Kuroro stood out facing eastward, hoping that his troupe would understand the riddle in their fortunes. He paused in thinking as the ground crutched behind him. Dark eyes narrowed as they landed on the smirking female.

Mari walked towards him, a skip in her step as she hummed, "poor little spider lost its head~" she stood directly in front of him still in her demonic form blacken finger tips inches away from his bare chest. He could, despite not being able to use Nen, could feel the power coming off her in waves, "poor little spider~ powerless against the world~ whatever shall it do?"

"The body know a way to secure its head" he stated with a stoic expression. If only there was a way to persuade the female before him to join the troupe. She would be a powerful ally, but she was as unstable as Hisoka – something he didn't need currently.

He would ask another time.

"Aww~" she pouted, before sitting down on the edge of the cliff he was currently standing on facing eastward. The sunlight was just starting to appear over the horizons edge. "I was hoping you would ask me to help with your little problem"

"And why would I ask you?"

"Your eyes say you're interested in me, my abilities and knowledge." She stated eyes watching the sunrise as it crept higher in the distance, "and I would love you to know me a favour~ I could ask you a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g" she purred, blue eyes shining brightly the air around them seemed to glimmer with power of the unknown.

"Another time maybe? For now I shall wait"

Mari hummed in understand, before cocking her head upwards. Legs swinging off the edge, "you need a ride back to the city?"

Mari walked about the city, she was in the form known as her human skin her usual form. Though those that knew her would noticed the lack of a certain seal, something she needed to put back on but was delaying. She skipped along the cobble streets a closed eye smile plastered on her face as she enjoyed the feeling of the power roaring though her veins, the air wanting to crack with electricity. Fire wanting to fire the building to the ground, while death wanted to take life away from those around them - the power that could easily level a city.

But she knew it was going to be short lived, she needed to replace the seal on the raging power. The longer the seal was off the longer the backlash lasted for, something she wasn't looking forward too. She could already feel the pain growing in her chest wanting to be free and raging as she caged it within her mortal form.

"Mari!" a voice yelled drawing her out her thoughts.

"Hey boys!" she grinned turning towards Gon and killua, before pulling them into a hug. "Did pika get what he needed?"

"Yup, but he's now running a fever..." Gon stated.

"Hm, lead the way and you two can explain his history with the troupe, I been out of the loop" she sighed dramatically while placing a palm on her cheek. Gon and killua shared a look before nodding, explaining the troupe history with the scarlet eyes.

Mari was silent, it seems that herself and kurapika where very similar in terms of wanting revenge. Scarlet eyes.... Where had she heard that before? Then it clicked, beautiful red eyes that made you want to stare at them all day. Before the hunter exam she had been paid to steal a pair of the scarlets eyes, but the client died before she could hand them over....

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