Clashing Guilds Arc: Chapter 36 - Edge of the Horizon

Start from the beginning

I took a while to watch the players in the centre of the tavern, who were either chatting or drinking in earnest. Some of them were players who had refused to leave the Town of Beginnings due to their fear of being killed, back when the 1st Floor hadn't been cleared yet. As a result, their players levels were way lower than the average player nowadays. Although my level was a bit lower than most players in the Floor-clearing Assault Team, the players that I was staring at right now might have been around 20 levels below mine, at the least.

Trying to lead a party of these players in the higher Floors was something that even I wouldn't be willing to do.

Turing back to Narnia, I shot a blank look at her.

"Ah, I see."

"Don't 'Ah' me!" Narnia shot an annoyed glance back at me. "Maybe I should assign you to those noobs sometime soon......"

Wanting to stop her thought process before that happens, I quickly got to doing what I came here for.

"...Don't you want to hear some news I've got? It's damn important." I told the vice-commander, who was still trying to drown herself in drinks that, needless to say, doesn't make her any more drunk that she already looked.

Narnia placed her mug down in a more gentle manner. "Alright, I'm listening.......It's what you're here for, right?"

I cleared my throat a bit before continuing on.

"There's only one worth listening to this time. The boss room in the 40th Floor Labyrinth has been discovered."

Narnia's seat instantly moved closer to mine with a rough drag. She then let go of her mug and locked her eyes with mine.

"I'm all ears. And how would you know that it happened?"

"Came across some KoB players on my way here." I said as I gestured the nearby NPC bartender for a drink. "I happened to eavesdrop on them, but they should have announced it to everyone by now."

"So the strategy meeting will be held tomorrow then, I assume?" Narnia inquired.

"Should be. It's been the same for the last few Floors, anyway." I replied simply.

Irokei and I were then treated to a scene of Narnia walking around a few circles, probably trying to clear her head to make way for the news she had just heard. She then sat on the table top, before turning back to me.

"Our guild should participate this time. Don't you think so, Z?"

Knew she would say that.

I tried to make a face that best described that thought process at that moment. Obviously, Narnia didn't get it, but I stood up and took a gulp at my drink before giving the vice-commander my solid answer.

"I know you're hoping that I'll join you for the strategy meeting, but no. There's probably plenty of players wanting to get selected to join the Assault Team, and I heard they've got a pretty strict criteria for joining it."

"Then why would you tell me all this then?" Narnia asked me, despite her lack of ability to hide her desire to drag me to the strategy meeting tomorrow.

I gave her an especially wide smile. "'Cos I know that you would pass the criteria with flying colours, Esteemed Vice-commander."

Narnia ignored my last words, though I could still probably sense a tinge of annoyance in her body language. She placed her mug on the table with force that was gentle enough to make a sound, and stared at me again, making another complaint of her own.

"If you're not going for this boss raid, then who else in the guild am I going with to the strategy meeting tomorrow?"

"Yourself, obviously." I logically replied. "And I'm glad you think that you can get selected to join the Assault Team on your first try."

"You said so yourself, Z-man."

"Well........that's just encouragement, coming from me."

Irokei, having silently watched our conversation, stepped in between us. She held her hand up, which prompted me and Narnia to notice her.

"Maybe I can go to the strategy meeting tomorrow, as well." She declared.

Narnia's eyes brightened up, while I stared at the guild leader, slightly dumbstruck. She grasped for Irokei's held hand with both hands, amid her sudden burst of excitement.

"You will? That's so great to hear! You're at a high enough level, aren't you? I'm not saying that you're strong enough fight in the Assault Team yet, but it might be possible that......."

Her chatter was drowned out by the other players in the tavern, but I knew that the vice commander was probably persuading Irokei to go to the strategic meeting tomorrow.

"" Irokei didn't know what to do with the sudden burst of words from Narnia. She turned to me, her flustered face looked expectantly at me.

"It's your choice to go to the meeting tomorrow, isn't it?" I said. "If you really want to go, why not? Your level's probably high enough."

"Then, Z, could you, um.........go too?" Irokei slowly spoke in anticipation. Her fluster became persuasion, as her eyes seemingly rounded themselves, staring deep into my conscience.

Ah, it's those puppy dog eyes.

It was the first time anyone had looked at me like that. Anyone decent would have given up and yield to that adorable face that made you feel guilty inside throughout.

And I felt strangely proud to say that I was one of those decent people.

"....Fine." I decided. "I'll just be there to listen, no big deal. I'm not joining the Assault Team, anyway."

Those words were probably what saved me from having to deal with Narnia's relentless spirit to force me to the meeting. If that happened, I might as well have spent the night in that tavern, but I was glad I didn't do that.

We walked out of the tavern late in the night. The vice-commander was still inside, probably still hyping on the news that I probably shouldn't have given her in the first place. But oh well, scouting information for the guild was my duty, so it can't be helped.

"You need somewhere to turn in for the night?" I asked. "There's always empty rooms in the inn on the 37th Floor that I'm sleeping in, so-----seriously, Iro?......."

Irokei was still showing off her puppy dog eyes at me. Turning around in front of me, she thanked me with a smile.

"Thank you for coming with me, Z."

It definitely wasn't her eyes that gave me that vibe of adorableness this time.

"Those eyes don't work a second time, you know." I pointed out. "'re welcome, I guess."

I walked on ahead, trying to find my way back to the Teleport Gate Plaza of Sanjun. Irokei followed me, almost making a skip in each of her steps along the way.


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