Elf War Arc: Chapter 9 - Lore Insight

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14 December 2022, 4.30pm

Forest Elf Base, Wandering Mists Forest, 3rd Floor

The trip to where the forest elves lived wasn't very long, but it was on a path that I never knew existed on the 3rd Floor. Monsters such as Middle Treants occasionally appeared unknowingly in my sight, disguised as normal trees. These were monsters that I hadn't encountered yet, and might probably be found in the deeper parts of the Wandering Mists Forest.

Legolia took care of most of the monsters that appeared in our path. From what I knew so far, she was a Level 15 elven swordswoman who wielded a one-handed longsword, but used no shield during combat.

When we stepped into the Forest Elf Base, I looked around to see many tents scattered all over a seemingly circular area of open land. The forest still surrounded the base, but I knew that although the 3rd Floor was a little smaller in size than the 2nd Floor, this base may still be found by other players, or even the dark elves.

"You guys sure put the effort to hide your base well." I commented as I followed Legolia past the tents.

"We have cast a Forest Sinking Charm on our base." Legolia replied." Humans such as yourself would not have found this place without a forest elf's consent."

We reached the forest elf commander's tent, where he basically praised and commended me of my efforts of assisting Legolia in battle. This just goes to show that although the elves recognised the difference between themselves and humans, they still respected humans as much as they respect their own kind.

Truth be told, if the elves were hostile in nature towards humans, the Elf War Campaign would never make any sense at all.

The forest elf commander then laid out 3 items, and asked me to pick one of them as a reward. They were all accessories that gave bonus passive effects when a player wears them, from increased attack power to heightened resistance against negative status effects. After looking through the items one more time, I picked a ring that boosts attack speed by 20% (not that the elves told me about the specific data of the ring, I knew that from bringing up its item description window).

I equipped the ring right away, and followed Legolia out of the tent after thanking the commander politely. Even if the elves were NPCs, I figured I needed to play the part of the main character in the storyline of the Elf War Campaign.

Legolia directed me to another tent, where she explained that I can stay here in the Forest Elf base, as she needed my help in preventing the dark elves from trying to steal the Jade Key from the Forest Elf base. I personally doubted that the dark elves would try to do such a thing, but I didn't tell Legolia that, of course.

As I settled on my bed, which was at a corner of the tent (Legolia's bed was at another corner), Legolia said," Feel free to make yourself at home in my tent."

"It's quite spacious." I commented. "Anyway, is there a place where i can take a bath?"

"If you are talking about the hot springs, they are at the very far end of this camp." Legolia replied. "That is the only way we can refresh ourselves here."

"Oh thanks...wait, there's hot springs?" My ears peaked up. That was exclusively one of the popular ways to take a bath in Japan, though it's a pity I'm not doing it in real life.

"Yes." Legolia replied again in a nonchalant manner. " Mealtime will be at 7 o'clock. I will meet you at the dining tent. Right now I must address other matters." She then walked abruptly out of the tent.

" Yeah... see you." I didn't think Legolia had heard my reply. I guess it's quite stressful being a member of the Forest Elven Royal Guard.


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