PK Pandemonia Arc: Chapter 89 - Blades Out

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27 February 2024

Katalysis, 43rd Floor

POV: Rakuno


It was too silent. And too dark. Krieg lurking in the darkness of his jail cell was one thing, but to find him having vanished from his cell was too big to ignore.

I couldn't even discern his silhouette in the darkness anymore. If only the cells had windows that made everything brighter.

Oh, right. I'm fucking under the ground. And the torches weren't helping. I was already sick of basking in the yellowish orange glow that could knock me out for another nap.

Half of Krieg's cell was devoid of any light, and it was the area that Krieg dwelled in the most. I just couldn't understand how he could do something, no, ANYTHING in that space.

Common sense would simply tell you to move closer to the light for just about anything in a dark environment. I guess I should just think of Krieg as using his black outfit to blend in with the darkness. It just saves me a ton of sanity for that matter.

Not that I have any sanity to spare for being in my own cell anyway.



I was completely caught off guard by an instantaneous spark and noise, which literally sent me falling on my ass.

The door of the cell that Krieg was in swung open before I even had the chance to gather myself up.


The same sound echoed through my ears. I sat on the ground, with my mouth agape, as the door of my own cell swung open as well. The lock holding the door had a hole punctured through it, as it shattered into crystals.

Krieg emerged from the darkness, never really caring about my astonishment for a single bit. I watched speechless, as he stepped out of his cell while doing a few stretching exercises.

"Consider it as a favour for being the distraction for the escape plan." Krieg nodded at me.

"I.....did nothing....." I managed to reply. Clearly, I didn't know what got me to this point. I guess I was free now, but.....

The man in the dark coat reached for something out of my view from the inside of my cell, and pulled out Taiyoubimaru, my treasured katana, before swiftly tossing it to me. I caught it in reflex, genuinely not knowing that it was there, just outside my cell the entire time I was locked here.

And I had thought that Tori had kept it with her. Wouldn't that be the most sensible thing to do to her prisoner?

In the second after I had taken a good look at my katana resting on my hands, I looked up again, only to find an empty cell.

It's always easy to forget how discreet Krieg does things. It was as if he was never ever there, if not for the door of his cell still opened ajar.

I hurried to equip Taiyoubimaru and passed through the door. The Council members guarding the place were at the other end of the pathway, which was where Kira was held, and haven't noticed my breakout yet, thanks to the handiwork of Krieg.

Footsteps suddenly echoed throughout the pathway, making me turn to the darkness ahead. I held the handle of Taiyoubimaru as I assumed a battle-ready stance, waiting in silence for what's to come.

A figure in a cloak emerged, running towards me. The weapon on his back was a particularly special one.....isn't that a scythe?

Where have I seen that guy before?

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