"Okay," I give in.

"Okay?" CJ grins ear to ear.

"Yes, okay." I try to hide my smile, but it only grows when he grabs my hand and pulls me outside into the parking lot. "Wait, where are we going?" I stop him again when he brings me to the side of an old pick-up truck.

"It's only to the top of that hill," he points right in front of us. "The highest point on campus." At my hesitation, he continues "It'll be worth it. Trust me," he opens the passenger door, giving me his hand to steady myself as I step inside. The inside of the truck smells just like him, I inhale deeply, while he is outside and unable to see me doing so. This is crazy, my mind scolds me. For once, I push the thoughts to the back of my mind, focused on the sweet, slightly smokey smell of CJ.

The ride to the top of the hill is only seconds, but as no one really has time to work out at this point in the semester, the lot just in front of the Varsity Gym is empty. They're expanding the parking area, so construction vehicles idly sit in the open dirt, waiting to be used again in the morning.

"Come on," CJ's eyes are bright with excitement as he stops the engine and jumps out of the vehicle. He is at my door quickly, his hands on my waist to help me out in the dark. I flush, thankful that it's nighttime and he cannot see the blush in my cheeks. His hands are strong as he lifts me up, and my breath is caught in my throat until he releases me onto the ground.

"Follow me," he urges, taking my hand and guiding me over to the construction fence. He looks around quickly, and upon seeing no one else, lifts the fence a little, revealing a small opening. "Go on," CJ instructs.

"What?" I nearly choke. "In there?" I point to the construction, jaw dropped. "We'll get in trouble!"

"No one's around," CJ notes, shrugging. "Come on, you agreed to adventure. You can't have adventure without breaking some of the rules," he laughs, dimple and all. I hesitate, chewing the inside of my cheek. "Hey, we'll be fine. I promise." His voice is soft, his eyes gentle. I nod, pushing myself through the hole.

"Now what?" I whisper as he climbs through himself.

"Come here," he takes my arm and walks me over to a flat spot in the dirt. "Lie down with me," CJ lies back, hands behind his head. My eyes trail to the tan strip of skin visible at the waistline of his jeans, where his jacket has pulled up slightly. My heart almost stops beating, and I force myself to look away.

"In the dirt?" I'm second guessing coming with him at all as I take in our surroundings again.

"Here," CJ sits back up, unzipping his outermost layer.

"No, it's cold!" I scold him, but he only laughs, throwing his head back.

"I wear layers for a reason," He flattens his dark jacket onto the ground beside him.

"To pick up girls and take them on construction site dates?" I giggle, settling on top of the jacket he laid out for me.

"Date?" His eyes twinkle again. I choose to ignore him, mimicking his stance from before, lying back and staring at the sky. He eventually joins me, so close that our arms are touching as we lay side by side. The sky is so dark and vast, speckled with little bursts of white light. Stars, thousands of them. Staring out into space, seeing the millions of stars so far away, I am reminded that I'm nothing but a particle of dust in the universe and so are all the problems I'm facing right now.

After a few quiet minutes, I turn my head to face him gratefully. I'm surprised to find that his face is already turned, his eyes on my face. "Caught me," He grins, unashamed.

"Why are you staring at me?" I whisper, blushing once more.

"Enjoying the view," His voice is deep and quiet and honest. I shiver at his words but don't look away, even as he turns his head back to the sky. Without looking at me, he says "Blue, rock, and daisies."

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