Chapter 10 Epilogue

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Back in Mos Shuuta moments after take-off

The older Mandalorian did his best to remain upright, but after several hours walking overland, it was difficult to keep the stagger out of his steps. Despite being in good shape for his age and the fact his beskar'gam regulated his bodies temperature he could tell his underclothes were thoroughly soaked with sweat and that every muscle in his lower body would be especially sore later on.

When he walked into the Whomp Rat's Den he found it mostly empty, aside from a single Deveronian bartender. The place hadn't been pretty before but between the blaster scorch marks in the walls and blood staining the floor what little appeal it had was quickly evaporating. The blood on the floor was already congealed and the scorch marks retained traces of ionized heat. Whatever had occurred happened a few hours before his arrival in the settlement.

The bartender paused in his straightening of a few chairs and looked around at the newcomer. He seemed about to tell him they were closed for the day when he was brought up short at the site of his armor.

The expression wasn't one of surprise. It bordered more on annoyance and aggravation. "Another one," he murmured angrily. His words confirmed the Watcher's suspicion. He wasn't the first Mandalorian he'd seen.

Noting the comment, the warrior walked to the bar. He slapped a credit on the counter before grabbing a bottle of water from behind it. Tilting his helmet back he downed half the liquid in a few quick gulps before lowering both. The Deveronian started to protest but once again seemed to think better. He was definitely a smart one for his species.

Taking the seat next to his only patron the Deveronian cocked his head and gave him a critical eye. "Rough day?"

The Mandalorian only growled in response before drinking more from the bottle. He knew he looked rough. His beskar'gam was already scorched from the crash and was now no doubt covered in dust and sand. His attitude wasn't in much better shape.

"You've seen another Mandalorian here." It wasn't a question. The bartender's expression and tone from earlier already verified that. "When?"

The Deveronian sneered. "Maybe I have. Maybe I haven't. What's it to you?"

Turning the man looked at the bartender, the black visor of his helmet easily masking his annoyed expression. The Deveronian only had time to blink before the warrior unholstered his blaster and leveled it right between his eyes.

Once again the Deveronian showed good sense and answered. "Earlier today." He gestured at the damage and blood. "Shot up the place. Killed five of Teemo's guys."

"Who is this Teemo and what does he want with the Mandalorian?"

The bartender shrugged. At an insisting prod from, the Watcher's pistol the Deveronian began talking. "Teemo the Hutt. Works for Jabba," he hurriedly said, "Something about skipping out on a debt. Took some of his people and left the settlement." The Warrior ground his teeth. His prey had already moved on. He had expected it but it would have been a refreshing change of pace had Jarek stood his ground.

"Fled with whom? How?"

The Deveronian made a soothing gesture and Mandalorian slowly lowered his weapon. The relief showed on the bartenders face. "A small crew. Stole a YT-Freighter and left."

"What crew?"

"A human, a Gank, a Lannik, a Mirialin, and a Pantoran. They all used to work for Teemo."

This new bit of information...intrigued the Watcher. Jarek was a skilled warrior to be sure. He knew this because he'd helped hone those skills personally. But where his true talent lay was relating to other beings and getting them to follow him. This was a trait he'd manage to develop on his own. His...resourcefulness, and confidence drew others to him. It was how he'd managed to stay ahead of the Kyr'tsad for so long.

This...crew, such as they were, presented yet another obstacle. He might've been able to take Jarek on his own but now he had support. The Watcher had to adapt.

"Nearest spaceport," he demanded.

The Deveronian pointed out the door answering. "Take a right at the end of the street and keep straight." He holstered his weapon, turned and walk towards the door. "Empire and Teemo have the port locked down," he called after him, "You may not even get off-planet."

The warrior paused at the door and looked back, once more allowing his helmet to convey his emotion. "Do I look like I'd take no for an answer?" He stepped out into the golden twilight and headed for the spaceport. He keyed his long-range communicator. "Overwatch, this is Watcher01. Target's fled off-world. Rendezvous with you in Mos Eisley."

Look for the other titles in the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Series:

Book 1: Outcast Origins

Book 2: Escape from Mos Shuuta

Book 3: Long Arm of the Hutt

Book 4: Lords of Nal Hutta

Book 5: Enter the Unknown

Book 6: Return of the Outcast

Edge of the Empire: Book 02: Escape from Mos ShuutaWhere stories live. Discover now