Chapter 5: Last Call

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Mos Shuuta; Tatooine:

"Oh you've got to be kidding me?" both Jarek and Slick exclaimed at the same time.

'In here' turned out to lead straight back to where the whole misadventure started. Just as before a number of patrons looked around at them upon their arrival only to return to their drinks, food, and entertainment.

They were back at the Whomp Rat's Den.

Madlyn merely shrugged and gestured to the crowded cantina. Her look said it all. 'Hide' Jarek was all for a good stand up fight, and he was sure Gare was as well, but he also believed in picking his battles. The Mandalorian reluctantly nodded and ushered the rest of the group forward. As if waiting on that cue, the team scattered. He and Madlyn slunk into a booth at the side of the room, while Slick slipped backstage. Apparently, a Pantoran dodging behind the curtain was such a normal thing that not even the pair of dancers questioned it.

Gare somehow clambered up to the rafters and balanced himself just above the door preparing to ambush any would-be assailants.

Opting for a better hiding spot Era shoved Tersen behind the bar where the Deveronian bartender began to object before a glare from the woman silenced him. At that moment the door to the cantina opened and rather than jump behind the bar and risk exposure, Era took a seat on a stool and attempted to blend in with the other patrons.

A pair of red skinned Nikto, an Aqualish, and a human thug walked in all armed with stun batons and blaster pistols. They bore Teemo the Hutts insignia on their shoulders and they were on the prowl.

Oh, Stang.

Jarek turned back to Madlyn. "So that was your solution to our problem?" He scoffed and leaned back. "Your luck astounds me."

"Ok, ok so maybe not right this moment," Madlyn said not trying to be put out, "but I'm sure a solution will present itself."

"In the form of a blockade runner, I hope," the Mandalorian murmured taking Madlyn's drink. Tilting his helmet back and downing half of it before replacing both. "Look I know some of Teemo's people keep their ships docked in the landing bays north of here between jobs. We could...borrow one."

"And further anger the Hutt?" Madlyn replied sarcastically, "Great plan."

Jarek glared at her. "It's better than waiting around here hoping one more of your solutions will walk through that door." Madlyn didn't respond. She was too busy keeping an eye on Teemo's hired guns, while simultaneously reaching for her own pistol. Likewise, Jarek could sense the others inching toward their own.

Interestingly enough the eyes of the mercs glided right over them without pause, course Madlyn had ducked down. No, their attention seemed to be drawn to the green-skinned female with the conspicuous jacket and satchel sitting at the bar.

Oh, double stang.

One of the Nikto pointed at her and the remaining three henchmen converged. Jarek watched, curious if Era hadn't noticed that her chances of escape were narrowing drastically. Yet she sat completely still even as the human, Aqualish, and remaining Nikto moved to completely surround him.

The Mandalorian turned towards Madlyn and cocked his helmet in question. Even though she couldn't see his face the smuggler knew what he was thinking.

"You!" the human snapped gesturing with a stun baton at the Mirialin scout, "Lord Teemo would like a word with you."

Era didn't turn but the rigidness of his spine spoke of her fear. "I'm afraid you got the wrong person. I don't know any Teemo." The quiver in her voice was clearly audible from across the room.

Edge of the Empire: Book 02: Escape from Mos ShuutaWhere stories live. Discover now