Chapter 2: Decisions

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Kalevala: Four Cycles earlier:

"Ba'jur bal beskar'gam, Ara'nov, aliit, Mando'a bal Mand'alor—An vencuyan mhi." The elder Mandalorian, Ja'Hailir as he was known, chanted as he sat before the assembled youths who all knelt in three ranks. Since arriving their collective armor had been taken and were given identical light blue fatigues. There had been no complaints or resistance. Only disciplined compliance. Now they sat before the man that would lead them through the Verd'Goten and help them become part of something more. Not just part of the clan as Jarek had thought but also a part of the Kyr'tsad. Whatever the goal, Jarek would prove himself worthy...for his father. He focused harder on Ja'Hailir's words.

"Wherever you are..." he said in a raspy tone that belayed the power that lay beneath, "...Wherever you may must never forget who you you came to be." Jarek felt his gaze rest on him and he fought the urge to look away. The man had the ability to make it seem like he was staring directly into his soul. "You are Mando'ade. You are Kyr'tsad. You are a part of I am apart of you. This is the truth of your lives...and it will remain true after death." He gestured to the group. "Among you are fatherless and motherless children. Some who have hunted. Some who have killed." His gaze centered on Jarek briefly once more before scanning the group. "No matter. You will treat each other as vode, as brothers and sisters. You are all family now."

Mos Shuuta: Present:

Jarek had gotten comfortable here, made friends and earned a living, but comforts were a weakness and that lead to complacency. The price being his past had caught up with him. He would now have to move on. To further lose himself he would probably change his name as well. Bitterly he thought he should've assumed a fake identity cycles ago, but he'd been too prideful to give up his name. The name his father had given him.

That failure in judgment now proved his undoing. He would flee and not take any further chances.

After another round of drinks he finally gave voice to what was on his mind. Madlyn stared at him in surprise. "What do you mean you've got to leave?"

Jarek silenced her earning a brief look from the bartender. At a glare from the Mandalorian, he went back to cleaning and stacking glasses. "I mean," Jarek said in a low tone, "those nerfs who attacked us?"


"They want my head and more of them will be on their way soon. I can't stay here." Stang, he hated doing this. He Maddy and Slick had been through so much in such a short time. He hated saying goodbye to sentients who'd become the closest thing to friends he'd had in a very long time. Through the slight buzz of alcohol an inspired idea dawned. It felt wrong going back out into the galaxy by himself...but then again maybe he didn't have to do it alone... "And you can come with me."

This caused Madlyn to guffaw as she poured herself another glass of Tharaxian brandy. "Can I finish my drink first oh Captain of mine," she replied sarcastically attempting to get a laugh out of Jarek but only succeeded in irritating her companion.

"I'm serious Kallos," Jarek said nudging the Alderanni to emphasize his next words, "I'm leaving, and I want you to go with me."

Madlyn snorted again downing her drink and pouring another. "Leave on what? Unless you got a starship hidden up an orifice I don't know about, you can't exactly leave the planet on hopes and good wishes."

Jarek's short temper snapped a bit and he balled a fist before launching it towards the side of Madlyn's head. The two had gotten into a few drunken brawls before; as much with other patrons as with each other. Mainly over who'd cover the tab or a game of sabaac. The aggravation never lasted past the door though. Life was too short for that.

Edge of the Empire: Book 02: Escape from Mos ShuutaWhere stories live. Discover now