Chapter 5: Sympathy and Cowardice

Start from the beginning

I get it now. So that's what happened. They massacred 10,000 civilians to create whatever kind of weapon they were making. They were crazy serial killers. Yet this type of weapon sounded awfully familiar.

While I contemplated this, it seems that I had made a grotesque face as the doctor had turned to me and said, "Oh, don't worry my dear little dimension leaper. You aren't like the vermin that was used to create this." He lifted the crystal to my face and grinned. "Your body is of the peak race. Dragons. Oooh, just their name brings fear and respect to all. And it's the one that used to belong to their princess too! Ha, to believe all of the president's effort was spent just to summon you, and you arrived with such terrible skills. A pity. But that doesn't matter, because your soul is still much more powerful than any soldier's."

"All we need to do is use this pure concentration of mana and extract your lovely soul. It's such a waste though. If only you had been born with a more useful skill. You might have been the hero of the Republic of Merika. Well, it doesn't matter now. Your soul will be the end of the Zerman Empire itself fu-fu. A lovely bomb you'll make"

Damn it! I don't want to be a bomb! After my last attempts at struggling, the gag finally fell off.

[Subskill {Language} has been obtained.]


"Hoho? You can speak? How interesting..."

Huh, what was that just now? How did I just speak their language? And did monotone voice just spoke inside of my head?

"Well then, I guess we shouldn't waste any more time then. Oh, by the way, I guess you would want to know who's that's going to rid you of your life. Second life actually."

The doctor's pale and delicate hands slowly came up to his face and then unstrapped the mask that was blocking it. Long brown hair fell over the shoulders and revealed a feminine face.

"My name is Dr. Priscilla Rosetta. You should be honored to die from my hands."

I was shocked. I was expecting a crazy and old mad scientist, but it was actually a beautiful woman in her 20s. She looked at me and then smiled one last time before pressing the crystal that she had kept in her hand the whole time to my bare chest.

"I guess this is goodbye then my cute test subject."

Suddenly, a wave of pain coursed through me. Pain that I had never felt before. Pain that was infinitely crueler than a bullet. It was the feeling of having your soul being ripped apart from your body.

[Warning. Critical event has been detected. Death is a possible outcome.]

There it was again. That monotone voice.


My voice slipped out girlish screams. Then screams turned to groans. And then into faint mumbles. Until finally tears started to flow out of eyes.

"Please. Please help me."

The beautiful female doctor looked at me with pity as she continued the operation. If only for a split second, I saw another emotion in her eyes, but then it disappeared almost immediately after. Her eyes became cold like steel and continued to stare at me. With an almost defeated look, she said, "It is for the good of my people. It is my duty."

My vision went black after that. And then it stayed black for a long time. The pain had faded away and all I could feel was the tranquility of the void once again. The same void that I had met after my death. This time, however, I met it with open arms. Thinking this was my end once again, I let myself rest. I was tired.

[Death is predicted in the near future. Intervention needed. Engaging {Akashic Records} subskill {Attack Mode}. {Attack Mode} has been successfully activated.]

My eyes shot open.

[Emergency subskill creation enabled. {Electromagnetic Manipulation} has been successfully acquired. Enabling knowledge transference. Knowledge has been successfully transferred from {Akashic Records}.]

A sharp pain penetrated my brain as endless amounts of knowledge about electromagnetism forcefully entered it. Everything that I learned in chemistry class from high school was only a drop in the bucket compared to what I was seeing. I was learning about mechanics that weren't even known by modern science. Facts about light, electrons, magnetic fields and a billion other topics related to electromagnetism were now inside my head. What only took a second in reality felt like an eternity for me. Once the unending flow stopped and the painful ache in my head had subsided, I finally looked at my circumstances. I was still laying on the white bed inside the white laboratory. Everything was the same except for the fact that smoke was rising. The straps that once held me were now smoldering the walls also had signs of burning. I lifted my aching body up and off the bed, putting one foot as a time to keep my balance.

"Ha, so you weren't helpless after all. Haha. Cough."

Her voice startled me back to reality. I turned my head to the direction the voice came from and there I saw her against the wall. There was a burn mark on her abdomen and blood dripping from her face. She looked like she had barely escaped death as she could barely stand.

"Hiding your true strength like that, you mischievous kid."

The more she talked the more blood that came out of her mouth. A red puddle had started to form around her, slowly continuing to increase in size as time went on. As odd as it was, I felt bad for her. Not because I was righteous or self-deluded, but it simply didn't feel right to me.

"So, are you going to finish me off then? Injuries-cough-this insignificant won't be enough to kill me you know. What will you do now, now that you've gotten your hands on that much pure manatite?"

I looked down at my hands and saw the rainbow-colored crystal in my hand. It shone like a diamond and radiated off the aura of 10,000 souls.

"Do it. Kill me and take revenge. Take the life of your captor who tried to turn your soul into a bomb to kill thousands."

I raised my hand and charged it with electricity. It slowly became a blue storm of lightning revolving around my fingers. I pointed my hand toward her, sparks flying around the room, the air becoming ionized. Sweat dripped down my face and hit the floor. I released the bolt of lightning towards her. It raced to her, zigzagging through the air with a powerful blue radiance, lighting up the laboratory in a blinding light. An explosion happened, thunder from the breaking of the sound barrier. As the dust settled to the ground and my vision became clear again, the scene was what I had expected. Priscilla was still alive, but a smoldering hole was only inches away from her bloodied head. I missed, no, I had missed on purpose.

"Oho, trying to be self-righteous now are we? Are you pitying me?"

At this point, she was sitting on the dirty ground spiritless while looking at the ceiling

"If you aren't going to kill me, then leave me. I have nothing more to say to you. Let me rest."

She turned her head to me and then smiled. Why did she smile? Shouldn't she be angry to her core? I ruined her laboratory, I nearly killed her, and I stole her life's work, and yet she smiled. She continued to smile and closed her eyes and said to me, "If we meet again, I do hope for us to be allies instead."

After looking at her for a bit more, I grabbed the manatite crystal laying on the bed and headed for the doorway. Before I stepped out, I said to her, "I hope so too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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