I can make the bad guys good for a weekend

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The window was open as I kept my eyes closed. I could feel Peter sneak into my room as he sat on the bed next to where I layed. So, he figured a way in after all? This was totally the opposite of when I was laying next to Stefan that one time. 

        "I know you're awake darling. No need to act when I'm here." Peter said with pride as I heard his smile.

        "Who says I'm acting? Maybe I just really don't want to see your face." I insulted him. 

He chuckled at my response when I realized that Peter shouldn't be here. I acted fast by grabbing the small dagger I stole from a lost boy at one point and turned over to stab him in the throat. He struggles for a bit before turning into what looked like a shadow. It rose high above me before flying out the open window. I chased after it and closed the window. Locking it in place, I stood there as it flew into the forest. I can't believe that just happened. If this is his way of getting me to fall for him, he's got a good head start. Without knowing, I started to pace the bedroom floor, trying to figure out a way to save myself from this. Either I could turn off what I'm starting to feel for this kid or erase the memories like Qtesyiah did with Stefan. 

        "No, I won't do either decision. I'll just do what I've always done." I said pulling my signature smirk and stance. I'll be the lying, selfish, manipulative bitch that Stefan calls me and use it as an advantage. 

"And by the way of magic..." I started to say before hearing a knock on my door. I was still in  atank top ans shorts when I opened the door to see Felix with a envelope in his hands. 

        "Why hello Felix. What can I help you with?" I said seductively. I rudely shoved the envelope at me and walked off. 

I sighed out knowing that he's never going to get a girl if he keeps being so uptight. I opened the envelope. Inside was a note that read:

        Every citizen of StoryBrooke will report to the northern part of the forest for the weekly target practice. Anyone who does not follow will be punished. -Peter Pan

What the hell is a weekly target practice?

"Seriously, what the hell is it and why do it anyway?" I asked walking with Emma and Killian towards the forest. Physically, I looked exactly like Elena but emotionally and mentally, I was ready to kill. 

"It was Pan's idea the moment he took over StoryBrooke and made this town the new Neverland." Killian said as he helped Emma and I up the steep and muddy hill. The new Neverland, huh? What a fucking loser. 

        "So now everyone has to do it to avoid consequences?" I asked looking at Killian.

        "Yep, and no matter how strong your magic is, Pan will always win." Emma said with a very bored expression. 

        "And why is that?" I asked, probably knowing the answer already. I was right because Pan leaned against a tree as we turned a corner.

        "Because Peter Pan never fails." He said with a big smile as he stretched his arms out to prove his point. 

I looked around to see every one of his boys in a fighting stance as they looked at Emma, Hook and me. Each of them had a smiling face on but I got easily creeped out because of it. 

        "Welcome to the second Target Practice of the month. Now, who wants to go first?" What, no explanation of what this actually is? 

        "Katherine, you're the town's newest guest. You first." Peter said as he graciously held out his hand for me to take. So many decisions rolled through my mind but if I want my plans to work, I'll have to play along. Taking his hand with mine, he led me over to a tree. 

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