Chapter 8

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And here's the update for tonight! Hope you guys enjoy reading *muah* 



"Luna! We're here!"

Ughhh! Why am I the only one who was playing with them and to top it all I'm also the one who is blindfolded while the other's where just sitting in a pretty white table set while drinking tea! Damn them!

"Ahh!" I squeak when I tripped on something while walking aimlessly and my hands on the same length as my shoulders as I try to guess where are the kids I should find while freaking blindfolded

But before I fall, my face that should be flat on the ground, someone was actually kind enough to catch me before I injure my self

I smirk mentally thinking that the one who catch me were one of the kids I was playing with because those kids with me just a moment ago was happily drinking tea too far to catch me that quickly, so I grab the person who catches me while grinning before happily saying "Gotcha!" before laughing like there's no tomorrow

But for some reason, the blindfold loose the knot that tied the blindfold behind my head causing the piece of clothe to fall down, the reason why my originally big and round eyes become more rounded and bigger

"Y-your highness!" I hastily strengthened my posture and let go of his arm that I was still holding, I felt my face heat up that I think that there's steam coming out of my face

But his highness doesn't move nor react but still look into my face and a moment later a smile was forming on his reddish lips causing my face to heat up more than I can imagine

"Arthur-sama!" Oh yeah for the mean time I want to thank you Bia for saving me, but the hell!

"Are you okay?"

"Yes your highness, thank you for your concern!" I said while bowing my head to excuse my self

"Luna-nee, hahaha" the kids laugh while I glare at them

"You know they won't be scared of you" I was startled because of the sudden appearance of Theo behind me

"Eh? Why so?"

"You really don't know?"

"Would I ask if I know?" I ask while pouting in annoyance that makes him blush a little

"Heh *smirk* Find it out yourself"

"Arrgg! You're not cute at all!" I said Wait, am I being to overly familiar with him? Like, well we just met

"Right, right you're the cute one" he said while he turn his back on me, but the redness of the tip of his ears doesn't escape my field of vision Heh! This kid has a crush on me eh?

The whole day has pass just like that, Bia has been pestering Prince Arthur the whole time while I play with the kids Well I kinda like kids who are cute and innocent not like the crown prince or that kid Theo that was already mature for their age. While Theo and Sister Stella was having tea while my maid Sarah and captain Cassler was just watching us from the side

Triton Friean's Point of View

As usual I was here in the palace because dad has been letting me go with him that's why my time with my cute little sister has greatly lessen

"Your Highness the crown Prince" I gave out a little courtesy when I saw the crown prince coming out from his carriage

"Sir Triton! Right, I met your sister just a little while ago"


"In the orphanage"

"Ohh" But why are you saying that to me specially while having that scary indifferent smile of yours

"How's the thing I was asking from you?" Hooo.. He's really scary, changing the atmosphere without the change in expression and tone as expected of a 'monster'

"I already got the information your highness"

"Good, Well then let's head back to my study" From a moment their I think I felt my skin crawl because of his grin that slightly darken then it became his usual smile again

I feel sorry for this person that actually cross his line I thought while slightly shaking my head

"Oh and by the way, what does your sister like?" I literally stop on my track because of the question he ask me

"Don't worry I'm not planning anything, I just simply wanted to know"

I still gave out an expression of doubt on his words while raising my eyebrows that makes him laugh

I gave out a sigh before speaking "Well I can't do anything huh?"

"Well certainly as she was going to be my fiancée soon" I let out a sigh again as his words are true


"Hahaha, I know there's a lot of candidates to be my fiancée but I was actually expecting her to win the selection"

"*sigh* How I really wish she wasn't a candidate your highness"

"Well you can't actually just hide her as your father, the duke was boasting her achievements non-stop in-front of my father, besides it's already a tradition to make the daughter's of high nobility to be a candidate for the crown and the seat of the Empress"

"Right *sigh*"

"Don't sigh too much your presence has become gloomy... So now what does she like?"

"Well... she loves books and weapons, she also has a great curiosity and thirst towards knowledge although she's a bit stupid at some things, in foods she likes sweets specially chocolates and strawberries"

"As I thought so"

"You were observing her, your highness, why did you even ask me?"

"She locate every single one of my shadow guards without difficulty you know"

"I expected that though" I said while I laugh a little, but then again he doesn't even fake a shocked face because he was expecting it

Like really? Can he see the future? Because you know he was expecting it all and it was like he was actually controlling it

I gave him my report papers when we arrive at his private study

I really feel sorry for that person, because besides me and other nobles with high enough status has knows the prince's capabilities specially when he got mad, no one, as in no one has been able to stop him, that's why they were being wary of him not to be on his bad side

Well how old is he again? As far as I know he was just three months older than my sister but then he acts like someone who was much more older and mature. Is this what they say, the blessing of the royal family?

(Ohh dear Triton, even you were already mature for your age. No kids can gather information without getting found out ya' know)

Words count 1096

Reincarnated as the VillainessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon