Chapter 6

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@BlackKittyGirl900 This chapter is for you!! Wow fort having your wild guess to be correct! I'll dedicate you this chapter and so the second chapter I will post today,! 

Selena's Point of View

We are riding inside my carriage, we as in me, Sarah and Theo while the knights my father assigned to accompany me was outside

The name Theo Angelos doesn't ring any bell on my head so I think Theo was a mob character but heck?! A mob character with this features? Oh god are you kidding me? °^° because you know it's not funny!

Before heading to the orphanage we decided to go shopping first and so the carriage stop in front of not so small and not so big bakery with few commoners coming in and out of its double door, the upper part was made of glass and the lower part was made in wood

"A commoners bakery?" I heard Theo murmured

"Eh? fufu.. Don't worry this might be a commoners bakery but you know I really love their bread!" I said while grinning and playfully wiggling my eyebrows. That makes him arch his right eyebrow, while a small smile was forming on his lips whoo~, this cutie will also be a lady killer in the near future! He can rival the said in-born charms of the capture targets!

And besidesss I like those cute guys more than those boys who have a devilishly handsome features

I exited the carriage first and because the elevation of the carriage was a bit higher for my height, I jump from it but before my feet felt the ground two hard hands was holding me while placing me carefully to the land

I look up and saw a tall man around his 20's with a fair skin with black-brown hair and a magnificent orange red eyes, a color of sun set, and a black cat resting on his broad shoulder, his cute lips was also smiling directly at me

"Lady Luna please do mind that we are men" he said before bowing his head and returning from his post

Ehh? What does he mean by that?

I look behind me where the carriage door was open and there I saw the flushed red face of Theo while looking at me Eh?

When Theo notice that I'm also looking at him he let out a fake cough before exiting the carriage and next to him was Sarah with a frown face while looking at me seriously that gave shivers to my spine

Oh! The man in his 20's just a moment ago was the captain of the knights that was assigned to guard me, the Knights of the moon, his name was captain Cassler Von'Cid the youngest captain on his generation and besides he was also become a knight at the age of twelve that makes his name to be heard in the whole kingdom as he was also known as a prodigy, even the king has ask for his name to be one of the prince's knights but for some reason he declined the offer and become the captain of my knights instead

So let's go back about Sarah, she gave me a serious look before coming closer to me and kneeling in-front of me so our face would be somewhat the same level

"My lady Luna" she starts

"Please, mind your surroundings more as you are still a lady," she said while holding my shoulders firmly and giving me a serious look before she lean closer to me and whispered something to my ears that makes my face blush

Oh! Come on! I'm just a freaking 3 year old! So what's the big deal if I jump out of the carriage and my skirt just lifted a little! You guys are making a big deal of it!

I act as I didn't care about it and just smiled sheepishly while saying "sorry" with a little cute face Ha! I know I'm cute so only few can actually turn a blind eye to my cuteness but I know Sarah wasn't one of them and with my act saw the onlookers blush, even my own knights!

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