Part 45 - Gone too soon

Start from the beginning

"Oh I don't know man. It's not just you, she can't handle our lifestyle or the rumours. I don't think she ever trusted me" Explained Dex attempting to justify why they weren't together to himself.

"She'd get used to it. You weren't together that long" replied Jesse

"Seriously man, you need to go make up, the way she was talking about you last night, most people never find that in a lifetime." Said Jesse

Before Dex could answer his phone started to ring, he shuffled around of the couch attempting to pull it from the pocket of his skin tight jeans.

It wasn't a number he recognised, he threw the phone to Jesse

"Answer that" he said,

Jesse caught it.

"Hello, Dexter Rose's manager, can I help you?" Said Jesse putting on a sarcastically posh voice

After a few seconds his smile faded.

"Oh, ok, hang on just a second, I'll see if I can find him" Said Jesse. He covered the phones mouthpiece with his hand.

"It's a Mr Hampton, Emily's dad?" Said Jesse, screwing up his face in confusion

Dex nodded, putting out his hands to catch the phone.

"Hello Sir, it's Dexter." Dex got up from the coach and walked over to the window, he was silent for a few moments before turning back to Jesse.

A single tear fell from the corner of his left eye leaving a shiny trail down his cheek. Jesse had no idea what was going on but he'd never seen Dex cry before so he knew it wasn't good.

From the conversation Dex was having it became obvious someone had passed away but Jesse couldn't figure out who.

"Ok, thank you Sir, I will stop by later today" Said Dex

"No, it's not a problem, I'm not too busy, I'm in New York now and I'm not performing until late this evening"

"Ok, yeah. See you later" replied Dex

He slid the phone back into his pocket and slouched down onto the couch. Putting his face in his hands he sighed heavily.

"Everything ok, man?" Asked Jesse, knowing full well it wasn't.

Dex took a minute to be able to speak

He lifted his head from his hands. His eyes were red and watery, his lip quivered a little. He swallowed hard

"You remember that girl Emily I brought back to the bus a few weeks ago, the one who was crying in the crowd?" Explained Dex

"Yeah" replied Jesse

"I don't know if I ever told you but she had a brain tumour." Jesse's face dropped, he knew what was coming

"She passed away this morning" said Dex, another tear fell, trailing down his other cheek.

"Oh man, I'm sorry" Said Jesse, he got up and went to sit on the couch beside Dex, putting a supportive hand on his shoulder

Life really wasn't fair. Dex put his head in his hands.

A sudden realisation that life was short washed over him.

"Her dad said she left me a note" said Dex.

"Her house isn't far, I'm gonna go get it" he added.

That afternoon Dex and Jesse walked cautiously up a small garden path, shaded by large trees that lined the pretty suburban street, so green and full this time of year that they almost created a tunnel over the garden path. Dex glanced up and down the street. He wondered if Emily had lived her since she was a kid, did she learn to ride her bike up and down this street, did she play with the other kids on the block, did she have a first kiss with the boy that lived next door as Dex had done with the girl next door when he was a teenager.

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