"Oh I didn't but at that time I didn't have a mate so I had to look presentable." She said with a mouthful of food. Disgusting she wolf.

Ryder immediately stopped eating, "Oh so because you're mated to me you stopped looking presentable?"

"Well no but I just stopped caring so much. Its just you after all who cares."

"You don't do that! Here I am treating you like I'm courting you and dressing up for you and you decide to not care anymore!"

"Get over yourself its just clothing."

"It's not!"

And that's how that argument began.

"Ryder has a point you know." Jackson commented.

"Those two are plain crazy. I on the other hand always dress up looking real good." Bee smiled.

"How? You wear different coloured overalls and Jumpsuit's everyday. I wouldn't call that dressing up." He walked right into that one."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Just saying you could put a little more effort." He is literally asking for a death sentence.

And that's how that argument began.

As usual I'm in the neutral zone. I missed this. My phone beeped signaling that I got a text.

Meet me at the park in 20.

Huh that's weird. I finished eating my food and told Aunt Tessa I was going out. I had forty seconds to be there. I ran and got there in 30.

"Yes! Ten seconds to spare." I said while doing a victory dance.

"Ryan." Sebastian called. I walked up to him and sat next to him on the bench under the big willow tree.

"Hello Seb. How ya doing?" I asked.

"Why so happy?" He smiled.

"I ran here in thirty seconds!" I exclaimed.

"Damn she's getting faster by the second. High five princess." He held his hand up and I slapped it.

"What's up?" I asked him. He immediately looked nervous.

"I uhh I ... I found my mate."


I don't know how to feel. Oh my gosh oh my gosh! This means I can be with Luca without feeling guilty. Shit nooooo bad Ryan. No Luca for me.


"Ryan I-"

I squealed and hugged him excitedly. This is great news.

"Woah. You're happy?" He asked.

"Look Sebastian, our ' relationship ' if you can call it that, was dying. In fact it was dead. We were friends before this. Good friends. I want it to be that way again. I'm so happy for you." I told him and his beautiful eyes sparkled.

"Who is the lucky lady?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"I am." I heard a voice say from behind me. That was Esme's voice.

I ran to her and hugged her real tight. This is a strange and unexpected combination but it makes sense in a way.

"You seriously aren't mad?" She asked me.

"No. I'm elated babe."

"Plus she has her eyes on the Lycan so she can't look at me." Seb said.

"Dude I'm so sorry. I swear I never cheated!" I said.

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