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Logan was is his room.
"what the fuck"
all he could think of was how did he get here?
who brought him back?
hadn't he died?
but more importantly
did Roman know he was here?
that question seemed to be answered as said side burst through the door
"Heya calculator watch!! Thomas wanted us for a video!! seeya there"
he said right before leaving and slamming the door behind him

this has happened before

Logan immediately got up not wanting to upset Roman anymore today
as he got up he realized he was in a faded black shirt and bland light blue tie
where was his patterned tie?
"Lolo! We're going to start soon!!"
yelled patton from outside the door
"one second!"
Logan replied seemingly without effort
as Logan finished getting ready he grabbed his glasses and ran out the door
but somthing was off
everyone was in a good mood
but Logan couldn't help but think
'wait, where is Virgi-'
"Finally your here, lets get going guys!"
Roman said while sinking out
Logan seemingly following without effort once again
not even thinking about sinking out

And so it went on
and thats when what video this was hit Logan
Dealing with Anxiety

this has happened before

Virgil showed up and it went exactly how it did all that time ago
back when it was all okay

Logan knew where he was now
or more specifically when he was
This was 8 years ago

Because Thomas didnt make videos anymore
Not after what happened 2 years ago

but just as Logan wanted to just stay and be happy
he started falling
he tried to grab on to anything or anyone
"Please dont make me go! i just want to stay, i just want to be happy agai-"
Roman grabbed his hand
"Now now Logic~  You know very well where you belong~
after all, this is all your fault right? you caused everything that happened two years ago."
Roman let go

He was falling again


"ugh,, my hea-"
"You okay Lolo??"
patton was here
but once again, things where different
as he opened his eyes he saw a play ground, and standing in front of him looked to be patton around the age of 4 and about to cry he'd guess
"wha happend pat?"
said roman runing over, wait no
that wasnt just roman
"Romus!! he feel offa da monkey bars and hit his head"
said patton holding back tears
"how many times have i said it patton, my name is romelius!!"
as romelius looked towards a dazed logan laying in the sand he realised his head was bleeding
"i dont feel very well"
Logan said, knowing full well this pain was nothing compared to what roman has done in the far future
" Dont worry Lolo, come on romelius!! help me carry him!"
just as Logan was about to insist that he was fine they picked him up and Romelius conjured a bench for them to lay Logan down on
they dropped Logan, Patton did so with care where as Romelius did so haphazardly
"There! ill go get the ice packet, take care of Lolo Romelius!!"
"Morality wait!"
Said Logan before he could realize what he did wrong, it was to late
"Lolo, why did you call me Morality?"
said patton while slowly turning around
before another word could be said, he saw pattons eyes
they weren't that kind pastel blue that Logan saw not even a minute ago, they where the piercing and vibrant turquoise that seemed to glow
and the scar on his cheek from the crash 2 years ago was back
"i-im sorry, i-"
"now now Logic, dont be disrespectful dear~"
just as the fear kicked in, he felt a bang on the back of his head
"lights out Lolo"
a ringing he was previously unaware of got louder and louder until everything was black yet again
but not before he heard an all to familiar voice call out in the distance



he opened his eyes only to be met with yet another be damned memory
"See ya later guys gals and non-binary palls!! Peace out!!"

Logan couldnt help but smile at the good times they used to have
as he took in their attire, it seemed like it was the first Christmas special they ever made

as they all sunk out he was met with what the mine palace used to be
the cheerful home filled with happiness
Deceit was sitting on the kitchen counter and looked up when he heard them show up
he seemed to stare at Logan for a while though
as Logan turned away Deceit spoke rather quietly
"please dont die"
"im sorry?"
Logan asked, having barley heard him
"i didnt sssay anything Logan"
Logan turned away not thinking much of it
everything was at peace
everyone was happy
just how it should be
until it wasnt
until he heard a crash

"no, no no please dont take them away from me ye-"

it was all to familiar, the fighting the crash the darkness
the ringing in his ears that was always there even if he didnt realise it
and yet everytying he wanted was so close a few minutes ago
all he wanted was a home and to be appreciated for at least once in the past three years
its almost as if what he wanted never existed in the first place
"just let me die, make the pain stop"
he pleaded with himself
"I jumped for a reason!"
the hopelessness set in
the darkness set in
and then he heard it
the sirens

this has happened before

"This is all your fault Logan!!"
Roman screamed at him while rushing to keep the mind palace together
"Im sorry, i tried to get you to shut up!!"
Logan screamed right back
'make it stop make it stop'
"I told you to make up your mind dammit!!"
Roman said, getting closer and closer to the edge
"If were talking about making up our minds then blame Virgil who thought it would be a good idea to fucking scream!!"
Logan wanted to stop screaming but just couldnt
"Excuse me?! I made up my damn mind! Thomas wanted to go home!!"
Virgil stepped in, attempting to defend himself
"can we all just sto-"
"Shut up patton!"
Roman said while cutting him off

the kindness in Pattons eyes began to fade
'Stop screaming dammit!"
Logan tried but could only think what he wanted to say
"He needed to go to the audition!"
Roman kept getting more and more on edge
"He should've let Joan drive!"
Logan kept screaming
"we hurt Joan"
Patton kept mumbling to himself as they argued
"well maybe we wouldn't have hurt anyone if Roman wasnt such a pompous fucking bastard!"
"everyone just calm do-"
before deceit could finish
as the sound exhoed through the now quite mind palace
"Roman what the fuck is wrong with you?!" screamed Remus as he summoned his weapon due to roman doing the same

as the twins continued to fight deceit checked on Logan who was in shock

"Logan wake up please!!"

Logan heard deceit now clearer than ever
and as he opened his eyes
this time it wasnt some memory that would be ruined by the cruel reality

as he came to he felt a pair of arms wrap around him
and then another
Deciet and Remus

"we thought you weren't gonna wake up"
Remus forced out
"Dont you ever fucking do that again"
said the snake like side

Hi m8s!!
i hope you enjoyed this chapter and stick around for the next!!
im sorry if it was a little confusing to read considering how i wrote the timeline and how its not exactly in order
and sorry for any spelling mistakes, ill try to work on having less

1258 words

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