Robin x Nancy : Chapter 1

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     [ Intro ] It was the beginning of the school year , Robin had finished her shifts at Scoops Ahoy and Nancy has finished her job at the newspaper. Robin and Nancy has only talked  a few times and barely knew each other . But Robin had always loved Nancy , but Nancy never noticed her. But it was okay because her best friend , Steve would always be there for her because they always shared everything with her .

R. [POV] : It was the first day of school and I was so exited to see my best friend Steve . I started to doodle in my notebook waiting for him.

Steve enters school holding Nancy's hand . They stop and kiss in front of the entire school.

Robin [ POV ] : I was shocked , I trusted Steve . He knew all my feelings for Nancy and still decided to be with her . It had felt like my heart was being crushed right in front of me . It pained me to see him and Nancy together . As a tears started to stream down my face , I saw a glance between me and steve . I ran too the bathroom and sobbed .

[ school bell rings ]

Mrs . V. [ AP bio teacher ] : good morning class , I hope you had a nice summer break. But now it is time to start back where we left off last year with our new unit. Please take the notes on the board.

- Robin enters the class with her eyes still red from crying so long -

R. [POV] : As I enter the Mrs. V biology class , the teacher yells at me .

Mrs V . HOW DARE YOU BE LATE ! This isn't first grade . If you take my class you have to be serious . I will let it slide this once but

- Robin slowly walked to her seat as everyone watches her -

R. [ POV ] : As I sit down slowly back to my seat . I can't help but feel embarrassed. Steve passes me a note . I open it and it says " what is up with our teacher she's crazy  ." I quickly crumple the note. In the moment I start to stare at Nancy not noticing what I am doing.

Nancy  notices Robin staring at her . Robin quickly looks away , embarrassed at how she saw her . Nancy doesn't think much of it . And goes back to her notes .

Mrs V.  Listen up class . You will now be put into pairs to work on a project based on what we learned today in class . The project will be due next week . I will now announce your pairs
..... Robin and Nancy .

-They stare at each other.-

[ bells ring ]

R. Okay well , I will talk to you later about the project

after a few more periods it's lunch
[ lunch ]

R. [ POV ] : It was lunch , and I would normally sit alone . So I sat at a table with my drawing book and started to draw Nancy . I put on my headset and put on music . I had almost completed my drawing of her . As I was just started to continue , could see Nancy walking up too me , so I scramble to close my drawing book and take off my headset. I start to blush as she walks over .

N. : Hey , Robin . Can you come over after school to work on the project ?

R.  Sure , could you text me your address ? in a stuttering voice.

N. Yes , could you give me your number please ?

R. Sure

- Robin writes her number on piece of paper and hands it to robin-

R.Here , my number is on there so text me your address.

- Nancy sits and starts to eat her lunch-

S . Hey Nance , wanna go sit over there .

N. Sure , okay . Bye Robin I'll see you after school.

R. Bye , Nancy .

Robin goes back to drawing Nancy and listening to her music . Feeling hurt by steve  but also feeling hope with Nancy .

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