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Heather's bright blue eyes glanced nervously  from underneath her glasses. She saw that only a minute had passed since she looked last. Her eyes went back to watching the television.

Then back to the clock.

As much as Heather was enjoying her full diaper, the paranoia of her parents getting home early was only building the longer she sat trying to ignore the possibility.

Like the building urge to relive the bladder, Heather's fear grew and grew until it was impossible to ignore. But unlike the problem she had recently found such a convenient and pleasurable solution to, there was no immediate relief to her growing anxiety.

Eventually this fear of an untimely discovery by her parents surpassed the enjoyment of her escapade and she resigned to cleaning up her mess.

     But not before she sat down just one last time to feel the invitingly warm mound press against her behind. After all, who knew when her next opportunity to do this would be?

The thought both saddened and excited her. "While sitting in a full diaper is all well and good," Heather mused, "nothing beats the sensation of actually filling it."

With a pat of her fully loaded backside through her jeans, she realized at that moment just how ridiculous that thought was.

"I'm already eager to do this again and I haven't even got my current dirty diaper off!" Heather smiled at this as she half skipped, half waddled to the upstairs bathroom.

When she stood before the mirror, she vigorously gave her bladder and bowels one last push. Only a small spurt of pee came out, warming her crotch slightly before slowly settling into the rest of the now thoroughly soaked goodnite. Carefully sliding her jeans to below her knees, Heather finally got her first unobstructed view of the used goodnite's condition.

     Any indication that she had avoided using a toilet to relive herself was well hidden while her jeans were on. Only after taking them off was it clear that Heather had made quite the mess of herself.

The once clean white and pink crotch of the goodnite had been replaced with a dark yellow hue that spread up to an inch below the waistband. Turning the position of her slender frame to see a side profile, Heather observed a clear bulge on her bottom that took on a brown coloration, while it sagged out and down, away from the regularly smooth curve of her butt.

In fact, the whole undergarment seemed to sag almost in defeat, being unsupported by her tight fitting jeans that sat on the floor around her feet. Heather realized if she were to have stayed in the goodnite much longer, or used it to any greater capacity than she had, it most certainly would have leaked all over the couch.

Grateful to whatever karma she had been bestowed, and in the interest of keeping her diapered endeavors a secret, Heather silently promised herself to be more cautious when making use of the other two goodnites at her disposal.

" Whenever that opportunity presents itself again." She thought, dismayed by the implications.

The thought of putting on another one of her most prized possessions and wearing it while her family was home briefly entertained her mind, but was silenced almost immediately by the current task at hand. With a sigh, Heather gingerly tore the sides of her well used padding and began the tedious chore of a messy cleanup.

     The seemingly obvious fact that using a diaper meant a change must eventually follow was not at the forefront of Heather's mind when she first messed her goodnite, similar to how little thought of pooping her diaper existed when she first put it on.

Rather ironically, the unforeseen inconvenience of changing turned out to be much less enjoyable than that of the formation of its cause. "In short", Heather thought "Messy diaper clean-ups stink!"

It wasn't so much the actual smell or even feel of the cleanup that made it unpleasant, but the difficult nature of removing all the sticky waste from her backside without making a terrible mess of everything.

After what seemed like half of a roll of toilet paper and an excessive amount of time and effort later, Heather's nether regions were acceptably clean, as was the bathroom and the hands that cleaned both.

All that remained of her abnormal experience was a double layered target bag package containing her used goodnite. Also a faint smell of hand soap that lingered on her hands, and an unshakable unease that followed her to the trash can in her home's chilly three car garage.

As she buried the evidence, that unease somehow followed her inside the house and upstairs into her bedroom, where underneath her mattress lay hidden the two remaining goodnites folded next to each other.

To attempt to settle the unease of these loose ends, along with her overwhelmed nerves, Heather resorted to resuming the show she had started during her first interaction with using diapers. This turned out to be a mistake as the visual cue only reminded her of the shameful actions she had committed.

So Heather receded back to her room, laid on her bed, stared at the ceiling, and tried to make sense of  everything that had just happened. After much contemplation, Heather finally came to the conclusion that she knew a few things to be certain.

One: She had fulfilled her growing irrational desire to use her a diaper as a toilet, at least temporarily. This meant going so far as to wet and mess in it.

Two: She had thoroughly enjoyed all the sensations that using the diaper had brought upon her, especially the wetting and messing of it, but definitely excluding the process of cleaning it up.

Three: She felt very ashamed of what she had done. Maybe out of some strange guilt to her parents and to society, but especially out of fear of them finding out what she had done. How might they react to her appalling actions? Heather couldn't even begin to guess.

And lastly, Four: Beyond any doubt; She was most definitely going to try and do it all again.

But not now.

For the time being, she was content to relax knowing she had finally done what she sought out to for so long. Her parents were none the wiser to her antics for the time being, although Heather expected she couldn't resist pushing her luck sooner rather than later.

But not now.

So when the garage door could finally be heard opening at precisely the time her parents told her it would be, and their voices sounded from the kitchen, Heather decided right then and there she would pursue this bizarre interest to whatever whim it brought her. She could not pretend to go back.

Not now.

     With a great breath to collect herself, Heather began her decent down the stairs to greet her parents returning from their daytime outing.

     She could only hope the new goodnite she was wearing under her newly donned sweat pants was as undetectable to her parents as she believed it to be.

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