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I had been walking back into my cold room back on the main floor with Andy after our talk. No longer stuck in the ISU after Andy had heard me talk about how I normally have small break downs every here and there. Andy putting me back on the main floor meant I was one step closer to leaving here. I was closer to freedom than I thought.

I stopped in front of the door to my room, Andy unlocked it and opened the door. "Thank you for taking the time to talk with me Harper. I really appreciate that you're trying to help yourself get better," Andy smiled widely. I nodded my head and walked into my old room, noticing that everything was the same way it was when they took me out. It was late and I had already ate before Andy took me back. I had to see Dr. Quinn in the morning so a good nights sleep would work well for me.


When I was woken up, it wasn't very pleasant. I had a loud bang on the door and someone shouting that I had 10 minutes to get dressed before Dr. Quinn would show up to get me. I of course was forced to wear the same clothes as usual, I wondered if I would ever get a break from these horrible clothes. I couldn't stand the style, I looked like everyone else, I actually fit in here but not in a good way.

Once I was dressed I had went to my normal station to brush my teeth and get all the things I needed. I didn't like that we could only shower either very early or right before bed. It must be something I need to get used to. It was only day 9 after all, yes I kept count.

"You ready to go Harper?" Dr. Quinn had said while peaking his head in. I looked up at him and nodded. He gave me a pleasing smile and I followed him out the main hall and into his normal doctor like office. "Alright weekly check ups.... How's everything going for you?" he asked, sitting down in his chair as I sat on the table like item like last time I was trapped in here. Why does he care? He's just a physical therapist. I needed mental help not physical. Sure I had scars from when I actually needed physical help but that ship sailed a far time ago.

"I'm doing alright." I say calmly. He nods.

"No pains anywhere? Not dizzy or anything....fever maybe?" I shake my head. Healthy as could be so why did he need to check up on me every fucking week. "I know that you're having your group therapy today and I just wanted to make sure everyone felt safe and didn't feel the need for any medical help." I shake my head and just stare at my lap, trying to look away at the scars that were once cuts on my body but are now self body modifications in my eyes. Dr. Quinn does see the scars too but mentions nothing of and sends me on my way with a guard who had brought me to the support group. I didn't know what the people would be like here. I hoped they were seriously insane and bouncing off the walls, or homicidal in my case.

I saw the typical circle of chairs and a few other people sitting separate from each other. I took an empty seat as far as possible from the few people. About 3 girls who looked a little more on the dark side and some pretty miserable looking guys. One of them looking like a meth addict. I was an outcast so far, I had to be the oldest and the the most modern. Everyone else who had showed up were very dark looking, some very innocent but I looked like an everyday person you see in the line at the grocery store. A guy maybe around 16 with light brown shaggy hair and raging acne had sat to my right and a black and red haired girl sat to my left. Both of them gave me a nervous feeling. This wasn't right.

After 5 odd minutes, Tony had showed up with another man under the name of David Schmitt, the therapist for the males of the building. Of course Tony and David were 2 of the many. "Alright so I see some familiar faces here but I defiantly see a new one." David says, smiling in my direction and I look up at him and fold my arms.

"Harper." Tony said to David with a pleased smile on my face. "Everyone please make Harper feel as if she is safe and at home here just like you do for the others around here." Tony says to the good 12 of us. "Alright so I know we haven't had a group in about 2 weeks since David had the flu so I think we re-introduce ourselves to refresh memory. "Let's start with Jake."

The brown haired boy next to me stood up and rolled his eyes. "I'm Jake. I'm 18, I've been here for 8 months and I have bipolar disorder, depression and I'm homicidal." I suddenly felt feared to be next to someone who wasn't scared to rip my throat out for his own pleasure.

The guy next to him stood up. "I'm Theo. I'm 15, I've been here for a year and 2 months and I have depression, anxiety and OCD." wow I never noticed how long it could take for someone to get well even when the help was handed to them.

A very short girl with maybe the biggest and brightest eyes I've ever seen stood up after Theo, an oxygen tank laid beside her with tubes in her nose. "My name is Allison. I'm 19, I've been here for about 2 months. I have lung cancer, anxiety and I'm a schizophrenic along with multiple eating disorders." When I thought about these people as we went around, I started to think how embarrassing it would have to be to share your story with strangers.

When we landed on a boy with bright blue hair I focused in on him for some reason. he stood up. "My name is James Clark. I'm 22, been here for 6 1/2 years. I have anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, ADD, a short temper, I used to be homicidal. I have epilepsy,panic disorder, pica, exhibitionistic disorder and lastly, narcolepsy."

Oh my god....


For anyone wondering what 

panic disorder
exhibitionistic disorder and narcolepsy is, I put the definitions below....the last 3 are pretty shocking.

Epilepsy- a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures 

Panic disorder-  a type of anxiety disorder in which you have repeated attacks of intense fear that something bad will happen

Pica- a pattern of eating non-food materials, such as dirt or paper

Exhibitionistic disorder-a mental health condition that centers on a need to expose one's genitals to other people (typically strangers caught off guard) in order to gain sexual satisfaction

Narcolepsy- a sleep disorder that causes excessive sleepiness and frequent daytime sleep attacks

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