Chapter Twenty-Four - The Reason Why. (Revised)

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*Ana POV*

The elevator slows down before stopping fully. In a matter of seconds, the doors slide open, revealing the busy, modern reception.

"Ladies first...". James's unexpected whispers caused me to shudder slightly. I begin walking forwards, exiting the lift, but I am slowed down when I felt a pair of hands land onto my hips.

"James... we are in public..." I tell him, but quietly so that he can only hear me. I noticed heads turning towards us.

There was no answer, the hands lift off my hips before a warm palm greeted mine. Slowly, there was an increase in the grip upon my hand. I look to my right because that is where the hand came from. I am met with James's determined face. His handsome, shaved face is concentrated in whatever is in front of us.

"If you keep on looking at me just the way you are now, I will not be scared nor embarrassed to take you on right here.".

His words cause my cheeks to go to a darker red colour. I see him turn towards me before giving me a smile followed by a slight chuckle.

"You know how to make me blush..." I say.

"You haven't noticed?".

"I have, it is just that...".

"Just what?" I sense how soft his voice is.

"I just never really thought over how much and how easily you can make me blush".

He chuckles.

"You know, your cheeks on your beautiful face are not the only things I can make easily go red.".

I look at him with bewildered expression stretched across my face.

He looks back at me with an even bigger smile patched across his face.

We reach the counter where Liz is sitting at, with concentration written across her face while looking at the computer. I see James walk up to her, so I decide to give him some privacy by backing away a step or two.

Within seconds, he turns back to me before walking over and taking my hand into his.

"If I remember correctly, I still have that surprise to show you...".

I blush at his words once again.

We continue walking towards the exit of his building, right before exiting the building, I turn around. When I turned, Liz's eyes met mine, I give her a small wave and she replies with a smile before waving back at me.

I smile back at her before turning around. I meet an impatient looking James as he is holding the door for me.

I smile at him before quickly walking out the door.

But as soon as I am outside, my mind can't help but head through my thoughts. I walk and think, looking down at the ground in front of me

I am kicked out of my thoughts when two big hands pull me and pick me up, bridal style. I hang my arms around the neck of the person who just picked me up. I look up and my eyes meet James's eyes, filled with anger and frustration.

"I expect you to answer me when I call you, you could have wandered off somewhere and got lost!"

I was too invested into my thoughts that I didn't hear his voice call out call my name...

"Sorry, I... I was... daydreaming...".

His features on his face soften before he lets out an amusing chuckle.

"You know daydreaming and walking don't go hand in hand, ye?".

I nod at him before resting my head against his shoulder, he begins walking.

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