Part 44 - Fixing things

Start from the beginning

"It's not just that Mil" said Jesse, he avoided eye contact, staring down at the table. Millie wasn't sure what was coming but she felt her stomach flip in nervous anticipation.

"Please don't hate me but I have to tell you something. I'm trying to fix everything in my life that I ruined so I need to come clean about something and I hope you'll forgive me" started Jesse. Millie could tell he was genuinely worried about whatever he was about to say, which only intensified her own nerves.

"Millie, you know all the texts you got from Isy, from any girl, claiming to be with Dex?" Asked Jesse
Millie nodded.

"They were all fake. They were all sent to you by Maisie, all the pictures you got were of Maisie and I, not Dex and Isy" Jesse continued to stare at the floor, ashamed of what he had just confessed.

"What? Maisie who?" Asked Millie, confused

"Maisie from your work" admitted Jesse sheepishly

"What? How? I don't understand. How do you even know Maisie?" Asked Millie

"I don't really. She got my number from your phone and text me. She wanted hooking up with Dex, she said she'd been texting him but he wasn't responding and she would make it worth my while if I helped her get to him.
She's not even into fashion, she just got the internship to get close to you so she could get Dex's number, she's a psycho, she's completely obsessed with him.

She suggested trying to split you up by texting you pretending to be Isy and I went along with it" explained Jesse, his voice quiet, Millie could tell he was fighting back tears as he swallowed hard, his lips turning down at the corners.

Millie was silent. Attempting to process it all.

"At the time I didn't know you, I just wanted to hurt you, so you'd leave, I was never going to hook her up with Dex, I didn't want any fans dating Dex, it's too risky. But I did feed her the information she text you and for that I am truly sorry. I hate what i did to you, to Dex, to your relationship, it was the drugs and the alcohol, it made me an asshole." He explained.

Millie didn't respond. It was so much to take in, words she never expected to hear in a million years, she had no idea of what had gone on and was shocked at the revelation that it was Maisie that had wrecked her relationship with Dex. Her mind flashed back to every single conversation she'd had in her office about Dex, every time Maisie has asked a weird question about Dex or his schedule, at the time Millie didn't think a lot of it but now it all made more sense. She tried to recall all the times she'd called Dex with Maisie in the room, all the private things she had shared with Maisie about Dex and all the time it was Maisie plotting against her to get to Dex. Pretending to be a friend whilst trying to get with her man.
Millie knee deep down she was just a silly little 17 year old kid with a crush but Millie knew she had to go, she couldn't have her in her office knowing that she'd been scheming behind her back. Even stealing Jesse's number from her phone was a massive invasion of privacy, let alone anything else she'd done.

"Millie? Say something" said Jesse, preparing himself for Millie to explode and kick him out.

"Okay. Have you made dinner? I'm hungry" replied Millie.

"What?! Uh, yeah, but.." Replied Jesse confused

"Do you want me to go?" Asked Jesse, cautiously.

"I don't care" said Millie, she seemed detached from reality.
She sat down at the dinner table in autopilot. Her mind completely elsewhere. Her eyes were vacant, Jesse looked at her, wondering why she was so calm, he expected her to go crazy at him, tell him what a prick he was and ask him to leave, he understood that reaction, this, this was something he wasn't prepared for, he had no idea what to say or do to make the situation any better.

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