Part 16 little one

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Guys the story is not done yet should I do a sequel comment please!

Natasha was on her 9 month of pregnancy she was waiting for her son to come any minute now.They were both so excited and waited for him to finally come.

"Steve"Natasha yelled

Steve run instantly on their bedroom Natasha was standing and water was all over the floor she was clearly in pain.

"What is it love?"He asked
"The baby is coming"she yelled in pain
"Omg"He said

He quickly helped her supporting her waist and led her into the car.Driving to the hospital he held her hand all the way.He was more scared and worried than she were.

"Isn't it painful?"he asked
"It is really painful"she said

She was well known for hiding fear and hurt although it hurt and she didn't want to say it to Steve he was so anxious.

"You seem more nervous than I am relax Steve"she said

She touched his arm rubbing it gently relaxing him as he continue driving.He relaxed at her touch.

"I can't wait to meet him"he said
"You will meet him soon"she said smiling

Until they reached the hospital Natasha was in labor for more than 2 hours.All the avengers with Steve were gather outside the hospital door waiting.

"Mr Rogers she is about to give birth"a nurse said

Steve followed inside the room where Natasha was.She was in so much pain sweating.He walked close to her and held her hand.

"Everything is going to be fine"Steve said

Natasha looked at him and smiled softly.It was time the time for their son to be born.

"Okay I want you to push one two three"The Doctor said

Natasha screamed in pain pushing as hard as she could leaving a small cry.And then the most melodious cry cake out their sons.

The nurse gave him to Natasha putting it on her naked body in her breast feeling his soft skin.

Natasha and Steve stared at him and smiled happy.

"We do make cute babies"Natasha laughed
"Yes we do"Steve replied smiling

Natasha gave their son to Steve to hold him it was adorable he looked so small in the arms of his daddy.But then he stared opening him mouth and sucking Steve fingers.

Natasha laughed so bad and Steve laughed as well seeing his baby boy was hungry and needed to suck and drink milk from his mothers beautiful breast.

"He is hungry let me show you how to do it"the nurse said

Steve nodded gave his son to Natasha kissed her forehead and walked out to tell the amazing news to the team.While the nurse helped Natasha feed her son.

"Steve?"Wanda asked

When Steve walked out with a big smile on his face.

"She gave birth to the most beautiful baby"Steve said
"Where is she?"Wanda asked
"She is feeding him they will call us when they put them in a room"Steve said

Everyone hugged him and congratulate them this was the most beautiful day of their life the birth of their little son.

"Do you have name suggestions?"she asked
"Yes what about Anthony or james?"Steve asked
"Yes James Anthony Rogers"she said smiling

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Next chapter soon....

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