Chapter 2

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Insistent pounding and Satan screaming murder woke me up from my sleep, "Goddammit Gwendolyn! Open the fucking door!" No wait, not Satan. It was just Dad.

Drearily I dragged myself out from the warm covers and over to the door. "What do you want?"

Opening the door revealed Vince Bane, my warlock ass of a father. Tall and imposing with black hair just beginning to show his age and a pointed beard, he used it all to his advantage, towering over my five foot nothing frame. "Your sisters gone missing! I want to know what you did to her and where she went! Now!"

Suddenly my entire world shifted. The floor was spinning and I felt light headed. Caroline's gone? But-but she can't be, she promised to never leave me. I grabbed onto the door frame with white knuckles. "You're lying," I whispered.

Dads face became even redder and he seemed to pull himself up higher. "Why the hell would I lie about this!?" He shouted. "Caroline's missing and I know you had something to do with it!"

"Why do you assume I caused this?!" I screamed back. "Whenever something bad happens you always blame me!"

"That's because it's always your fault!" Dad got right up in my face, so close I could feel droplets of spit hit my cheeks. "You're mischievous, cunning, manipulative, and a liar! Just like all other Fae!"

That was the straw the broke the camels back. Fae are notorious for playing tricks on unsuspecting people, human or not. But that didn't mean I was like that. I mean, sure I played tricks and manipulated people but come on! Don't just lump me with all the other Fae before knowing me. And Dad most certainly did not know me. He never would understand me either. So straightening my back I said the two words that would seal my fate. "Fuck you."

"You little bitch," Dad practically growled at me and took a step forward, encasing me inside my small room. "After all I do for you. This is how you repay me. I train you! I feed you! I clothe you and provide for you!"

"You do nothing!" I spat out. "Mom does it all, all you do is take us from her for a couple days a week."

Dad took a deep breath in and seemed to calm down some. "She isn't your mother Gwendolyn," he raised his hand to his forehead and kept it there, rubbing his head to relieve the migraine that would surly show up in a minute or two. "Sirena isn't related to you at all. She took you from me when she had no right. You and Caroline are all I have left," Here he dropped his hand and grabbed my shoulders. "I'm sorry about all I said, I'm just so worried for your sister. There are a lot of horrible people out there Gwendolyn. They wouldn't hesitate to kill you given the chance"

"I know how to protect myself against hunters Dad," It was true that I knew how to protect myself. Both with magic and without. Dad and Sirena both insisted upon it. You knew it was serious when they agreed on something. Just last year, when I was sixteen, Sirena had even given me an amazing knife. The blade was pure silver and the handle was encrusted with sapphires. Along the blade were various Latin words. Sirena told me that the blade had been forged using holy water for cooling and blessed by various priests. All in all, it was wicked. "Even if they try to play dirty I have my knife. And if for some reason I don't, I'll just charm my out of the problem."

"There's going to come a time when you won't be able to charm yourself out of anything," Just then the doorbell dinged and I remembered Mom was taking me home today, lifting my spirits. Just as quickly though my heart sank again. Caroline was missing. "That sounds like your mother. Gather your things." And just like that Dad was back to the insensitive ass he had always been and the moment was over.

"Sirena," I head from the far end of the house. "Pleasure to see you again."

"Cut the crap Vince," That was my step-mothers voice, carrying through to ring clearly in my ears as if she was right next to me. "All I want are my daughters, now where are they?"

I could hear Dad shifting a little and nervously clearing his throat, already playing the part of a caring and worried Father. "That's the problem Sirena. Caroline's missing."

Everything was silent for about ten seconds. Then all Hell broke loose for the second time that day. Except there was one difference this time. Dad was like dynamite, you knew the extent of his anger and when he blew up it was over quickly. Sirena was a forest fire, slowly building until the devastation was mass and there was no hope of ever escaping. When Sirena spoke, you listened. When she screamed, you covered your ears and begged for mercy. There is and never will be anything more terrifying than a pissed off siren.

"Vince Bane you better be lying!" Her voice was cold steel, but barely above her normal tone.

"Do you think this is something I would lie about Sirena?" Dad's voice was starting to rise again. Big mistake.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me warlock!" And so the kraken was released. I cautiously crept out of my room and into the hallway, my suitcase rolling behind me. Mom's anger was something to both fear and, when it wasn't pointed at you, something to enjoy. When angry, a full blooded siren's hair will lift, their teeth grow sharp and pointed, the eyes become red with slitted pupils, and their nails grow into talons. And that's just what happened. Sirena's black hair shifted to resemble a cobra's hood, her eyes became blood red, and her teeth and nails grew into daggers. "This is what I get for trusting you with the safety of our daughter! Caroline's missing! So help me if anything happened to Gwen I will kill you myself! I will not hesitate to cut you down where you stand and feed your entrails to the crows! I have put up with a lot of your shit over the years but this is where I draw the line!"

Dad tried to cut in but with one glare from Mom he cowered. "You wanted time to spend with your daughters so I gave you time! You wanted them for two days a week, I gave you that! You wanted to personally train them and what did I do? I stood aside and let you! I should've trusted my gut! Now our daughter is missing and it's all your fault!"

Mom looked over and seemed to notice me then. "Gwen, thank god you're okay." Soon after she said that her fangs and claws retracted and her eyes returned to their normal, calm blue. Her hair still flew about her head though, her agitation showing through. "Everything ready? We're leaving now."

I nodded and soon Mom was hustling me out the door and into the car. Dad stood in the door way and held up a hand as a sign of farewell.

Mom was muttering under her breath the entire ride home while I stared out the window.

As soon as we were home I rushed upstairs, throwing my suitcase on the floor and myself onto the bed. It wasn't until then that I allowed myself to cry.

Authors Note: Hey this is Lauryn! Thanks so much for taking the time to read Rachel and I's story! Don't forget to comment so we know what we're doing wrong and what we're doing right with this! Like Rachel said in the previous chapter, we're going to update at least once a week because we know how frustrating it is when other writers don't update soon. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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