Shy guy

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Larry's POV:
We walked for a little, when I realized, maybe I didn't want to leave this place.
Something kept me back from leaving. I felt confusion and anger. I felt alone. But I had to find out what kept me back.
We were close to an gate, that would lead us to the other zone. Suddenly, we heard a loud scream. But, not from a human. It was aggressive. Guards were shooting, but soon it stopped. The screaming had stopped and a white figure appeared in front of us. I glanced at the white, bloody creature.

It covered it's face with it's huge claws.
I didn't really care about the doctor and his stupid little friend. So I just walked over to the pale creature and touched one of it's claws.
It shivered and gave cries from himself.
"What's wrong?" I asked it in my deep voice.

It didn't reply, so I guessed he couldn't talk or something like that.
I looked back at the other scp's. I didn't even looked away for a minute and they were already kissing each other.
This was disgusting for me, obviously.

"Could you stop for a  second?" I rolled my eyes.

The doctor glanced at me.
"We take him with us." I said and turned back to the creature.
I was sure it was a male.
"Give me a nod if you will come with me- us."

He nodded and I slowly took him by a claw.

We passed the gate and continued to sneak around, while we still heard some guards rushing from hallway to hallway.

We kept a distance from the noises, just to make sure we were really safe.

The whole walk was in silence.


Scp-096's POV:

The moment I was crying in front of the 3 other creatures was terrifying for me. I didn't like to be near any people. I was scared they wouldn't accept me, or just leave me there like the scientist do.
I hated to show my face. I always covered it with my hands..
And i would kill everyone who would view it, because I couldn't risk to be hurt again. I sometimes heard some personals talking about my face when they viewed it. So one time, I had enough and killed one by one.
They called me the "The shy guy" maybe this was true. I was shy. But they think I'm a terrible monster.., wich isn't true. I am very sensible. And that's why I don't talk. I of course can, but I don't want to. As I got into the facility, I talked from time to time. But the scientists were really rude to me. I heard them whispering about me. They always think I'm deaf! It always made me mad. And this sucked! So I killed him. And again, one by one. And now, I am the horrifying creature. I just wanted to be accepted, that was all I asked for. And this guy..- I felt accepted for once. I didn't know who he was and what his name was, but I liked him. His black oily body, but jet black eyes pierced trough my soul. I began to think, that I fell in love.
Hello my lovely readers! I wanted to mention, that the end is clearly near! But I will write an second book! But I'm thinking of, writing the second book to this story. So I won't have to do a new book, if you know what I mean..
Okay no..? Okay i will explain it better.
So, i guess I will write til the 30th chapter.
I will then write a new book, but into this story. So you won't have to search the new one ^^
And also: sorry that this chapter is really really short :( but last two chapters will be longer.
If you have any wishes, then write them into the comments :)
And also: big thank you for 4K readers!! We're near 5K readers and that's awesome! Thank you for reading this story!
Also: I sometimes read some scp-stories you write. And I'm really surprised to see, that some really good stories don't have much readers, and maybe it's because of the motivation. I wanted to let you know, don't give up on writing :( There are really good stories out there! Some of you gave up. And that's completely fine. What I wanted to say with this message: Don't give up on something just because it's "small". When I first began to write this story, i said to myself: yea, I just write it for fun and for myself, because I thought there were no good stories and I wanted to write my own. I read some of your stories and can't understand why they're so "underrated". Because many of you have talent in writing! Don't give up, please :(

Ly! And thanks for reading, again uwu.

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