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A blonde haired guy opened the chamber door and stepped in.

"Scp-035?", he said. He had a serious poker face on. Like he wasn't scared of anything..

The mask stared at him.

"What is it..."

The guy stared back.

"I wanted to check on you.. your behavior changed. Is something wrong?", the blonde haired guy asked.

"I feel alone in here.., I need someone in here..", scp-035 answered.
"When can I see the doctor again..?"

The man looked at him.
"Well.., tomorrow the scientists wanted to let you into scp-049's chamber", the man told him.

The mask was definitely relieved.

"Good...", he mumbled.

"Are you also here for something else?", he asked the short blonde haired guy.

"No, we'll leave you alone now. A scientist will come here later to give you your pills", the guy said.

He then walked out of the chamber.


The doctor felt also lonely.
But he wasn't too upset about it.
He drank his tea and enjoyed the silence.

He knew he would talk to the mask again by tomorrow. So he wasn't too worried.

The doctor read old books all the time.
He wouldn't get too bored..
But that's not the important part.

It didn't took long til a scientist walked into the chamber.

"Scp-049?", the scientist asked.

The doctor stared at him with his blue eyes, showing the other mail that he waited for another question.

"Are you fine? You seem to be a little bit-"

"I'm fine. What are you here for?", the doctor interrupted him.

"Well.., we wanted to ask you a couple of questions..", the scientist responded.

The scientist sat down onto the table and looked into the doctors eyes.

"..Did you enjoy the interview with the mask?", the scientist asked.

"I think so..", the plague doctor replied.
The doctor stared at something else than the scientist.

The doctor watched a pure chaos going on behind the chamber door.

The guards were screaming and other scientists and researchers.

The other mail of course noticed it and got up from the chair.

"I'm sorry... i think i need to go now.."

The doctor didn't care at all. The only thing that made him curious was about the screams.

The alarms started.
The only thing everybody could hear were screams, people running and guards shooting.

Suddenly the chamber door smashed open.

But it wasn't a person who opened it..
Hello again D: first of all, I am so sorry that I didn't write in days..
But I had many stuff to do :(
And wow, we actually already got 100 views to this story! Thank you so much for reading this. I will definitely continue on writing my stories.
The next chapter will maybe take awhile, but not too long :)

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