Chapter 12: Dragon of Battle

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          Rider stood with Sol and Lucy, surrounded by the moving trees that were walking on their roots. In front of them, stood Caster and her master. The master spoke, "Sol, was it?" He made eye contact with Sol. "You know, since I now know your name, it is only proper that I introduce myself. I am Hondo, and I will be the master that ends your wretched life. Both yours and your girlfriend."

          Lucy blushed, "I'm not his girlfriend.", she yelled at Hondo.

          Hondo looked perplex, "This is hardly the time to argue over something so petty when the hour of your death is near."

          Caster pointed her rod at the group, and the army of trees began to march toward them. "This is it. Rider, Lucy, we need to watch each other's back.", said Sol. Lucy began shouting, "Hou Maichong!" and fired bolts of fire at the trees, taking one down with each bolt. Rider began slashing the trees with her scythe, either chopping them down, or cancelling the magic in them. Sol began shouting, "Pluso de Rayo!" firing bolts of lightning at the trees. After a minute, Sol, Lucy, and Rider stood back to back, Lucy saying, "There too many."

          Sol responding, "Yeah, and I'm almost out of usable mana."

         Rider lowered her scythe. "Master, from what I seen from these living trees, it appears that spells seem to destroy these things easily, so maybe a powerful Noble Phantasm could disperse the whole army."

         Sol said, "If you think you can do it, I can give you any spare mana I have left."

         Lucy added, "I could give the mana I usually gave Assassin since he won't need it anymore."

         Rider smiled, "Thanks, both of you."

         Rider lifted her hand, and Sol and Lucy followed. Rider then shouted, "I call you, my old friend, Mei Mai!" A glow appeared in the sky, and Mei Mai came flying down. Then, Rider withdrew her weapons and grabbed Sol by his hand, and Sol reacted by grabbing Lucy's. Rider jumped on to Mei Mai, taking the two with her. Mei Mai flew over the army of trees, and Rider put her hand on Mei Mai. Rider began to glow, as did Mei Mai. Then, Rider shouted, "Yehou Pohuai!" Mai Mei began to unleash a great burst of fire that began to cover the walking forest annihilating the army of trees. Mei Mai's flames continue to expand and intensify. In the flame, the gray walking trees could be seen, blackening, then turning white and dissipated into ashes. When Mai Mei stopped breathing fire, the entire area they were in was engulfed in flames. Sol and Lucy watched the fire from above. "Yehou Pohuai. Wildfire Devastation. Fitting for what we saw.", said Lucy.

          After burning for minutes, the fires began to die out, and everything in it was gone, except for a purple dome. The dome then disappeared, revealing Caster and Hondo inside the dome. Hondo looked up in the sky. "I see, an Anti-Nation Noble Phantasm. Who in the hell is that Servant?" He turned to Caster. "Well, I guess we got no choice but to use our trump, huh?"

         Caster nodded, "Agreed master." She put her hands out, and a hut began to rise out of the ground. When the full structure rose, a pair of bird legs formed under the hut stood, and Caster floated in the Hut, "My ultimate Noble Phantasm, Glavnaya." Rider began to glow again, and Mei Mai fired her fire again, but Caster pointed her rod toward the fire and created a shield of Mana. Mei Mai stopped, and Rider had her dragon to land. "I need you two to get off now.", Rider told her passengers. "I will need to do some rough riding for this battle."

         Sol and Lucy nodded, "We'll take out the Master, don't worry about us.", said Sol as Sol and Lucy got off Mei Mai.

         Rider and Mei Mai flew in the sky above Caster's hut and Mei Mai began to breath her frozen breath on to the Hut. Sol and Lucy prepared to battle Hondo as the Servants battle in the background, on the battlefield covered in ash. Hondo laughed, "So, a couple of punks think that they can take me, big mistake." He held out his hand. "Tujassid!" A sword appeared in his hand. 

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