Some Days (love poem)

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Some Days

[a poem expressing tone blah blab blah]

By: Izzy Sneed

SOME DAYS I wonder about you.

Wonder if you think about me,

wonder if you feel the same.

I wonder if it's me you're looking at now,

wondering if this poem is about you.

SOME DAYS I dream about you.

Dream about you smiling at me,

dream about you actually considering- us.

I dream about your dreams,

dreaming their about me.

SOME DAYS I yearn for you.

Yearn for just one excuse to talk to you,

yearn for the feeling of your hand in mine.

I yearn for the knowledge of knowing if you're,

yearning for me also.

I'm WONDERING about your dreams.

I'm DREAMING about what you yearn for.

I'm YEARNING to know who you're dreaming about.

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