Lost & Found [Akaashi Keiji]

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Somewhere between having to study for your mid year exams and your club activities that you found yourself being rather depressed. Everything was going well from an outsiders view but to you, it felt so off. Even the slightest things that seemed off would make you feel so terribly annoyed. The fear of not being on par with your parents expectations of you and your grades and the creeping doubts and negativety in the back of your head was enough to make a stable person break. You were able to handle it of course,even if it was holding on to the very last fibre of the string that held your sanity.

You pushed it so far back that at some point you thought it might all be well, the pessimism in you somehow got flushed down and was out of your system. You were wrong. In fact you were quite very far off, the worries that you pushed back was in actuality slowly growing larger and larger as time progressed.

By the time you realised, it was already too late. Even though after everything went by smoothly, you have never felt so utterly lost before. You even forgot why you had chosen the club you were in— the girls volleyball club. Perhaps it was because you once had interest in it?

You started skipping practice, telling your teammates that you weren't feeling well or that you had things to do back at home or errands to run but the truth was you lost the will to do anything. Everytime you went home, all you would do was lie on your bed and stare blankly at your ceiling wondering about things for hours yet you could never recall what you were thinking about. You were so overrun by emptiness, you even started eating less, your appetite was slowly gone and your parents didn't realise until your father asked if everyone wanted to go to dinner together at a new diner that had opened not too long ago.

Class wasnt any better, your grades wasn't slipping but you sure as hell weren't satisfied with it. You kept on comparing yourself to others in your class, belittling yourself. It didn't make you feel any better but you couldn't help it. Your mind was only filled with pessimism. You wanted to be alone.

It was any other school day, it was lunch and the class before that made you lose your apetite due to the fact that your teacher had to lecture everyone about how no one in your class —besides a few top students— was able to pass this terms history test. You, fortunately had passed but just barely. Just as the lunch bell rang, everyone went out. You waited until you were the very last one in class to take your leave but before you left the teacher gave you a glare that you had instantly understood, "that applies to you too, (y/n)-San."

You gulped, nodding as you quickly left. God you hated your history teacher, as if you weren't already feeling like you were a failure and that you weren't smart enough, he made sure you knew that.

You decided to go up the rooftop for the first time since school started and sat alone on an empty bench as you pondered about how much days has it been since you had skipped practice. And in that dazed state, two males came walking by rather loudly (one was, the other was rather annoyed by the former male). Your train of thought was cut short when a guy with spiky black hair that was faded to white pointed at you with his eyes large and full with bewilderment.

"What aRE YOU DOING HERE?" his other hand that wasn't pointing at you was hugging three sandwiches with his forearm and one half eaten sandwich that he was holding.

"Uh-..." and then you stared at the other guy that was standing next to him, "Akaashi-san?" You asked.

Akaashi, your classmate, simply replied with a hello and gave you a sorry look, probably because you had to interact with the guy he was standing next to.

"AKAASHI, yOU KNOW HER?" The still unknown male turned his head to Akaashi with a confused look.

You stared at Bokuto and gave him a weak smile as you lifted your hands to wave at him. Realisation hit you that you were probably sitting at their seat so you promptly stood up and excused yourself. Only to be stopped by Bokuto telling you it was fine and that you could sit with the two of them. And so you did, awkwardly, in between the two of them.

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