6 - Time For Discoveries

Start from the beginning

The chairs where guest were supposed to sit seemed confortable as well, but they were less ornate, with red velvet covers and a wooden frame opposed to the gold one of the chair behind the desk.

Harry felt Asmodeus move closer to his ear for the second time that morning. "Don't sit down, hatchling, they see it as disrespectful when someone does that before being given permission to do so." his friend said in a quiet hiss.

The boy thought about that for a second, he could agree with that. It would be impolite to sit down on the chair before being addressed. He waited just a couple of second before the Goblin sitting on the chair behind the desk lifted his head to lock eyes with the young wizard.

The creature looked at the boy from head to toes, a poorly hidden half sneer on his face. "Sit down, Mister Potter." he said with a slightly commanding tone, "I am Larlig, the newly appointed Potter Account Manager. I assume you didn't come here for pleasantries. I must ask, however, the reason why you didn't reply to our letters." his tone turned vaguely angry at the end.

Harry, sitting down on one of the plush chairs in front of the desk, frowned at hearing the last sentence. Asmodeus lifted his head from his shoulder, probably feeling his confusion through the bond they shared.

"I'm sorry, Master Larlig, I don't think I understand what you're talking about. I didn't receive any letters from Gringrotts." the teen said confused, starting to pet Asmodeus' head. He had a bad feeling about this, a really bad feeling.

The Goblin frowned at his reply, probably realizing that the boy really didn't have a clue about what he was talking about.

He quickly regained his blank expression, however, and went on with the discussion. "Well, we'll return to this later on. Now, I was told that you requested an inheritance test, is that correct?" Larlig asked, already knowing the answer and reaching for the papers inside his drawer.

Harry quickly nodded at the topic change, he assumed that before anything else the Goblin wanted to discuss what he had come here for. "Yes, that's correct. You see, I recently found out some shocking news that, apparently, I was supposed to know of already. When I went for a walk in Nocturn I felt an odd feeling tugging at my core and following it I found my Familiar, Asmodeus." he gently took the snake off his shoulders to put him in his lap, allowing him to curl and rest confortably, "The problem with all this was, I didn't know what a Familiar was at the time. The owner of the pet shop had to quickly tell me what they were and why they existed."

The Goblin looked interested at the mention of Asmodeus being his Familiar, looking at the snake with curiosity in his eyes. When Harry explained that he hadn't known about Familiar, however, his expression started slowly turning angrier.

"He also told me that my Magical Guardian was the one who should have explained this to me while I was growing up. When I told him that I didn't know I had one, the man looked horrified." the teen scrunched up his face, looking as if he had just ate a very sour lemon. He didn't like the fact that so many secrets were being kept from him and he wanted whoever was responsable to pay for that.

Larlig's expression, by this point, had turned thunderous. The creature couldn't fantom why the Heir to one of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses hadn't been educated in wizarding customs. The boy should have been brought up knowing about Familiar and much more but, from what he was hearing, the young Potter might not even know about his Heriship.

"Let's start with this then." the creature said. He opened the drawer again and took out another piece of parchmen, having just realized that, in his anger, he had ripped the other apart. Larlig put the paper on the desk, facing Harry. "Three drops of blood will be required for this procedure." saying this he handed the boy a decorated knife.

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