I head to Jamie and take Charlotte from him. "I'll meet you in the car" I say, grabbing my bag and taking Charlotte out to the car. "Are you excited to see Santa?" I coo to her and she babbles, giggling a bit in reply as I fasten her into her car seat.

"That's right baby" I kiss her head before closing her door and getting in the passenger seat. Jamie and Dulcie soon come out. He climbs in the drivers seat as Dulcie hops in beside Charlotte, strapping herself in before smiling slightly At us.

Once we pull out and begin our journey Jamie tries to take my hand but I don't let him. "Don't try and suck up to me now, there was no need for you to speak to me like that" I sigh, keeping my voice down. "I'm sorry.." he sighs, concentrating on the road.

"You excited to see Santa?" I ask Dulcie. "I am Dakota" she smiles slightly, nodding. "Charlotte is too.. though I think she might cry when she sees him" I pout and she giggles a bit. "She will be okay. He won't hurt her" she smiles and I smile back.


"Your turn next Dulcie.. do you know what you're asking Santa for?" Jamie says and she just nods sadly, going into the tent as we follow behind. I hold Charlotte on my hip as she gazes around the tent. It's decorated with tinsel, candy canes, reindeer ornaments and a big Christmas tree in the corner with presents underneath.

Dulcie sits with him and they talk quietly, she looks a little sad and I still feel deep down there's something wrong with her. She's not herself. "You want me to take her for a bit?" Jamie asks, nodding to Charlotte. "I'm okay with her" I smile shyly, stroking his arm as she coos to me.

When Dulcie is nearly done I head over with Charlotte for a photo of them together with Santa. She's not having any of it though. Before we've even fully gotten near him her eyes are wide and she begins to cry. It turns into full on sobs straight away and I pout, kissing her head gently as I apologise to them before leaving the tent to try and calm her down.

It takes me a while but she soon settles, I kiss her head repeatedly and stroke her back for comfort. "Mommy's got you baby it's okay.. it's okay" I say and soon she's just whimpering as I hold her close whilst she clings onto my hair.

Dulcie and Jamie join us a few minutes later and she holds out a small present. "Santa let me take this for Char char. Is she okay?" She pouts tiptoeing you to try and see her. "She's just a bit tired I think.. thank you for the present, we'll put them under the tree once we get home." I smile and she nods. "Show me your photo with Santa?" I ask and she holds the printed photo out to me. "So cute!" I grin, kissing her head. She thanks me, smiling shyly.

We head back to car and Jamie drives us somewhere for dinner. Whilst we sit at the table and wait for our food Jamie gives Charlotte a bottle. "Dulcie are you okay? You're very quiet" I say to her, she gazes at me as Jamie listens. "I just a bit sad" she smiles sadly "what's wrong?" I ask but she just shakes her head.

"Well if you want to talk to me I'm here okay?" I reach over and squeeze her hand gently. She nods and smiles as her dinner arrives. I glance to Jamie and give him the 'i told you so' look. He pouts and holds his hands up apologetically as our meals come too.


We've been home a few hours now, Charlotte is settled down for the night and Dulcie is in her room playing. Me and Jamie are downstairs and have just finished catching up on Game of Thrones. "I'm sorry for earlier.." Jamie says softly, kissing the side of my face gently.

"I don't see why you snapped at me like that.. it hurt me a bit. I was just telling you what I thought and it was actually right." I frown a bit, trying to stay mad at him but knowing that I fail at that straight away. "Please don't be mad at me" he says sulkily and pouts, leaning over to kiss me gently.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now