You just stole my girl ass. You got no right to give me weird looks.

Punching in my lock code I pull it open and dump in my stuff, collecting my books for first period. Juggling the books in my arm, I slam the door shut and then I scream.

"Sorry. Oh my god. I'm sorry. Did I frighten you?" This guy I've never seen before stands beside me with his hand up in surrender. His eyes big and wide and kind of cute. Like a puppy.

"What the fuck? What are you trying to do first thing in the morning dude?" I didn't mean to snap at the puppy boy but I always end up being extra bitchy to guys. I swear I'm not doing that on purpose. I just naturally snap at any guy who stands before me.

The guy seemed taken aback at my outburst. He takes a step back at once. I wait for him to tell me whatever it is that he wanted to say first thing in the morning that he had to ambush me by the locker and scare me to death.

Or perhaps he's at the wrong locker.

Yep. That explains it all.

I take a step in front to walk past him when he says my name out loud. Okay, so he's definitely in the right place.

"Judith Drakeyer right?" He repeats and I only stare at him. How does he know me? I'm pretty sure we don't share a single class. And his face wasn't really the kind you'd forget soon. A mix of hotness and boyish. The whole dimple on one side and his big brown eyes was giving him the puppy look.

"Who the hell are you?" I demand. Once again, I didn't want to sound rude. It just happens.

"Uh well, I'm James Howell." He says and my mouth turns to a grin.

"No way! You're James Howell?" I was practically yelling in the guy's face.

Now he's staring at me confused. The dude gives me an unsure nod and my grin widens. Now I can tell Ava I know who James Howell is! I laugh, mentally clapping my back for remembering a dude's name. but then I stop. And I frown. And I scowl as I glare at the six-foot giant who takes an alarming step back at my colorful variation of emotions playing on my face. Ava's words from yesterday echo in the back of my head. That he had been "giving me the eye".

"You're the one who joined the girls' basketball team right?" He says with a smile. He wasn't mocking. His smile seemed genuine and real. "Congrats." He continues.

I'm not really sure what I'm to do so I just stand there looking like a kid getting praises from her teacher.

How does he even know that I made it to the team? Does news travel that fast? Or maybe one of the girls who got kicked out was crying that I had taken her place.

Happens all the time.

"Oh sorry." He scratches his neck awkwardly making me feel super awkward as well. "You must be wondering how I know. My sister is on the team. She's a senior." He explains and it finally clicks.

"Señora?" I ask hopefully and he shook his head.

"Tori Howell." He replies at once and I gave him an "I-have-no-idea" look. "Uh, she plays for the team. Top five?" he keeps trying but his attempt was futile. "You'll meet her. I guess." He finishes with a smile. I'm surprised the dude didn't groan or sigh at my lack of interest in the players of the team I'm going to be a part of.

I mean its not like we had some sort of a welcome party and introductions and all that nonsense.

Jason or Jack or whatever his name is stands like a tower of stillness continuing to stare at me in the face. Great, just how bad am I with boys? He just introduced himself and I forgot? Way to go Judith.

Sneakers over heels #Wattys2021Where stories live. Discover now