For A Long time. | c.s.

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The text came through and my heart sank to the floor. "I'm on my way," is so simple but it's making my heart race a mile a minute. I take a look around my apartment and my eyes landed on my daughter that I haven't told him about yet. I smiled as she slept peacefully in the the bouncer and stood up, quickly picking the random thing off the floor and tidying up a bit. My hands shook as I thought about what he might think about me after not telling him something so important. Putting dishes away, I thought about how I might tell him now but it was too late.

There was a knock on my door and I took a deep breath as I walked over to the door, opening it with a smile. Corey hugged me and I smiled, letting it drop as I worked up the courage to tell him. "Uh, before you come in, there's something you should know," I said and stepped outside so we could talk, "What, do you have roaches or something?" He laughed and I shook my head with a small smile, "No. I, uh, I have a daughter." I spoke quietly and didn't look up until it was silent for a long moment. I stared at him for what felt like forever as he looked out into the courtyard of my apartment complex. 

Corey finally looked at me, "We've been talking for two months and you're just now telling me this?" He questioned, I nodded, "I'm sorry. I know I should've told you but, to be honest, I didn't think we'd be talking for this long." I told him truthfully. He stared at me for another few seconds before he shook his head with a smile, "Well, am I gonna get to meet her are we just gonna keep standing outside?" He asked, I smiled and pulled him into a hug, "Thank you," I said softly as he rubbed my back gently.

"This is Gabby, she's seven months old." I said, picking her up from the bouncer. Hi, Gabby," Corey smiled, touching her hand, she cooed with a smile and he smiled wider, "You are so cute," He told her. I put her back down and she crawled over to her toys, playing with the first thing she touched. Corey and I sat on the couch, "So, what happened to her dad?" He asked. I sighed and laughed a bit, "Classic case of I told him I was pregnant and he left. Literally, he was here when I left for work one day, came home to find all of his stuff and him were gone. No trace left behind." I shrugged, "Damn, what a piece of shit," Corey shook his head and I shrugged again, "I got her out of it and I wouldn't trade that for anything," I said. 

In the middle of making food, I heard Corey and Gabby laughing and just had to see what was so funny. I peeked around the kitchen wall to see Corey holding Gabby in his lap, both hands on her back and bending over so she went upside down. She was loving it, giggling wildly every time he did it, causing him to laugh along with her. My heart skipped a beat. "I think I have a new best friend," Corey said, I was so wrapped up in my head, I didn't notice Corey and Gabby had stopped playing and were now both staring at me with smiles. "Me too, hun, me too," I nodded, going back into the kitchen. 

A few minutes went by and there was a shuffle in the living room before Corey came walking in the kitchen with a sleeping Gabby resting her head on his shoulder as he supported the rest of her tiny body. "I think we have to talk about something," Corey said and I set down the spoon in my hand, leaning against the counter, "Okay," I nodded, "We should be official. I can't just walk away after tonight. Before I wasn't sure about my own feelings but now I am and I want to be with you, and her, for a long time." He said. I smiled, "I will happily make things official with you," I nodded, "Good," He said with a smile before kissing my forehead.

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