Choices | m.d.

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I walked into the club behind the guy I had been calling my boyfriend for a few weeks now, "Hey, Vic, I'm gonna go to the restroom." I shouted in his ear over the music, Vic nodded. I turned and went down a long hallway, going into a damp, quiet stall. I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. 'What am I doing here?'  I asked myself, 'I should be home, studying.'  I silently scolded my decisions. Suddenly, there was a burst of giggles outside the stall door.

I took a deep breath and walked out, smiling at the few pretty girls standing in the dirty restroom, waiting for me. "Sorry," I said, shuffling pass them and washing my hands. "Don't be. You're so pretty." the one with blue hair told me. "You are! I was gonna tell you but she beat me to it." a shorter one said, "What're doing here anyway?" The blue haired girl asked and I smiled, "Uh, I'm here with a sort of boyfriend." I laughed awkwardly. 

"Sort of?" Another girl, who was occupying the stall I was just in, asked as she washed her hands. "Yeah, he's kind of a piece of shit but his dick is decent." I laughed, the other girls laughed as well and I felt more comfortable. "You should hang with us. We're about to leave, anyway." the short girl said. "I don't even know you." I stated kindly, "I'm Kat," the one with blue hair smiled brightly, "I'm Devyn." the short one said, "and I'm Xepher." the last one told me and I smiled. "I'm Y/N." I said, "Now you know us, let's go have fun." Xepher said, I nodded, excited for a new adventure and, hopefully, new friends.

I followed the girls out of the loud brick building, being sure to avoid Vic at all costs. 'He's gonna be pissed.' I thought but it quickly faded as we walked up to a group of men. "Who is this?" one of the guys asked and I smiled shyly, waving a bit. "This is Y/N. We met her in the restroom and stole her from her shitty ex-boyfriend." Xepher said. "Leave it to these girls to make a new friends in the club bathroom." a blond laughed. "Y/N, this is Sam, Kevin, Jake, Tara, Colby, Mike, Aaron, Tori, and Corey." I smiled as they all were introduced and waved as their name was said. 

Walking with the group, I learned that Sam and Kat were together, along with Corey and Devyn, Aaron and Tori, and Jake and Tara. I liked these people, they were just themselves and accepted me as myself. Also, that Mike guy was pretty cute and keeps looking my way. We found our way back at a large house. It was a house shared by Corey, Devyn, Jake, Aaron, Colby and Sam. Everyone got my number and social medias, and as the night went on and it got later, Mike and I got closer. Before I knew it, it was four in the morning and my head was laying on Mike's shoulder.

 I smiled and waved as I walked from the large house, heading to my Uber. I got in and smiled contently to myself. 'I can't let these people go.' I thought, looking out the window and reflecting on the night. Pulling up to my apartment complex, I saw Vic's car and my smiled dropped as I looked up and could see my bedroom light on. I sulked up the stairs and unlocked the door, quietly putting my purse on the couch and slipping off my shoes. I peeked into the bedroom and saw Vic passed out, still in his clothes, face down on my bed. I sighed and changed clothes, slipping in under the covers, pushing him over a bit.

I woke up to a loud slam and sat up quickly. I went to grab my phone but it was nowhere to be seen. Vic was standing at the foot of the bed, next to a broken clock, holding the thing I was looking for. "Who the fuck have you been sleeping with and for how fucking long?" Vic asked, rage coating his words. "No one." I said honestly. "Then who the fuck is Mike and why is he texting you at six in the morning?" I shook my head and told him he was only a friend. 

It seemed like within the drop of a pin that Vic was pinning me against the bed, hand over my throat. "If I find out you're being a whore, I'll end you and him. Do you understand me? Don't ever run the fuck off like you did last night, got it?" Vic whispered and inch away from my face. I was frozen in fear but found the strength to push him off and run for the door. I ran downstairs and to my neighbor, asking her to let me in. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Whitney asked and I shook as sobs wracked my body. "Can I log into my instagram real quick?" I asked, Whitney nodded and handed me phone after a few taps. "I know that's a weird question but I don't remember the number I need." I said, finding Mike's instagram and video calling him.

"Hey, oh shit. Are you okay?" he asked, "No, I need you to come get me, please. I'll send you my address but I need you to hurry." I said and he nodded, hanging up. I sat on Whitney's couch and told her what happened until we heard a slam from upstairs and stomping down the stairs. I froze and waited for the pounding on the door but it never came. I heard Vic's Mustang start up and screech out of the parking lot, letting out a deep breath, I cried again. 

I stepped outside just as Mike was walking up the sidewalk. I ran to him, thanking him over and over. "Hey, are you okay? Are those fucking bruises?" Mike asked, lifting my chin to look at my neck. I stayed silent. "Come on, if he comes back, I'll kick his ass." I smiled as Mike said that, leading him up to my apartment. Once we got into my room, I climbed into the bed with Mike, his arm wrapping around my shoulders almost instantly. I smiled and pressed play, hearing the opening scene to The Fault in Our Stars. I looked up at Mike and smiled, knowing I'd made the right choice.

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