Weak Knees and Hurt Wallets. | aryia

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"Aryia!!" I groaned, "Yes?" He asked sweetly, poking his head into the bedroom. "I need chocolate pronto!" I whined, "One sec," He chuckled before disappearing down the hall. I rolled back over, going back to scrolling through twitter. I groaned quietly as another cramp twisted my insides, causing me to close my eyes and take a deep breath. I heard footsteps getting closer and thanking god my boyfriend was a fast walker. 

The bed next to me dipped, "Here baby," Aryia whispered as he held the Reese's over my face. I opened my mouth wide enough for him to put part of the candy in my mouth before I bit down and was in bliss. "I love you so much," I said between chews. "I love you too," Aryia chuckled as he rubbed my back, pressing a kiss to my temple before placing the rest of the Reese's cup in my mouth.

I woke up to Aryia playing a track a bit too loudly, I took in a deep breath as I rubbed my eyes before stretching. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't know I left it up that loud." Aryia smiled at me, "It's all good," I shrugged, "Good nap?" He questioned as I stood and walked over to him, nodding as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Aryia leaned his head back against my torso, I smile down at him before bending over and placing a soft kiss against his lips. "I love you," Aryia whispered with a soft smile, "I love you too baby," I whispered back, kissing his nose before stepping back.

I sat on the bed with a heating pad on my lower stomach as Aryia finished a song or two, I lost track of time. "Ready for dinner?" Aryia asked, startling me a bit, "Yes," I answered him, setting my phone down on my chest. "Whatcha want?" He sat next to me on the bed, "Uhhh," I thought before smiling at him, "That smile makes my knees weak and my wallet hurt," Aryia shook his head, "Sushi?" I asked, "Fine," He laughed and stood, holding his hand out for me to take.

 I stepped from the car and took Aryia's hand, letting him lead us into the sushi place. We were sat in a small booth in the back corner. Our favorite place to sit. The waitress came over to take our drink order, "I'll have Dr. Pepper," I told her, looking at Aryia, "I'll have the same." He smiled, the waitress nodded with a smile before walking off. Aryia set his hand, palm up, on the table, wanting me to take his hand. I smiled and laid my hand in his softly, blushing slightly as he ran his thumb over the back of my hand. "I've miss nights like this," He stated quietly, "Me too, babe, me too," I sighed, knowing that our careers sometimes take up a lot of our time.

Our drinks and food was sitting in front of us as we talked, "I think we should have a night like this every, I don't know, two weeks. Once a month, maybe," Aryia shrugged as he reached his chopsticks to pick up a piece of the roll on his plate. "I think if we get one a month, that'd be great, but having a date like this twice a month would be amazing." I smiled at him, taking a drink of my soda. "I agree, I'd really like that." Aryia nodded with a smile.

"Are you staying the night?" Aryia asked as we hit a red light, I looked over at him and nodded, yawning, "Want me to stop by your apartment so you can grab some clothes?" He asked, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles, "Sure, if you want to," I nodded, going back to scrolling on my phone as I held Aryia's hand with my left. He made a quick left onto the street leading to my apartment. 

I walked up the stairs, Aryia behind me, grabbing my keys from my bag. We walked in, went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle before heading to my room. "Oh babe, go grab those movies you wanted to watch," I told Aryia as I grabbed a bag to put my clothes in. "How long do you want me to stay, babe?" I called into the living room, "However long you wanna stay, baby," Aryia told me, walking into the bedroom with his hands full of dvd cases. "Okay, I'll just pack for like a weekend and wash or trade out my clothes." I muttered as I folded the shirt in my hands. 

I walked into the house, putting Ronnie on his leash and taking him to Aryia before going back into the house. "Hey, Y/N," Kevin and Mike said at the same time as I walked through the kitchen to get to Aryia's room, "Hey guys," I waved with a smile before going to the bedroom and tossing my bag to the floor before falling face first onto the bed. After a few moments, I sighed and got up, changing into some shorts and one of Aryia's shirts. I heard the patter of Ronnie's feet getting closer and smiled as the door swung open shortly before Ronnie was laying on the bed, curled against my side.

I looked over to the door as Aryia was shutting it. He smiled at me as he tossed his shirt to the side and slid out of his pants before sitting on his side of the bed, on the outside. Aryia plugged his phone in and grabbed his laptop, logging into Netflix and getting comfortable next to me. Ronnie got up, going to lay at the end of the bed, so I scooted over, resting my head on Aryia's shoulder as he played some show I was too sleepy to pay attention to. I was out like a light within a few minutes. A good end to a good day.

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