Beanie Boy | j.w.

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I brought the last box into the apartment and set it on the kitchen counter, waiting for Jake to follow me inside. He came in and set the box he had in the living room. I looked around, smiling, "What's got you all happy?" Jake asked as he came into the kitchen with me, I shrugged as I hopped on to the counter. "I'm just super glad we decided to move in together." I said, wrapping my arms around his torso as he stood between my legs. "Me too, baby." he said, kissing my forehead. "Do you think we should tell the fans yet?" I asked, Jake shrugged. "We haven't told them that we've together the last eight months, why should we now?" he asked, "Right, but don't you think now would be a good time then?" I said, following him into the living room and sitting next to him on the couch.

"I don't really see the problem with it other than it might start drama, you know? These kids are insane and will freak the fuck out once they find out we've been dating for that long, let alone fucking live together." Jake told me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned onto his shoulder and looked up, kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna tell 'em and you can't stop me." I laughed, jumping from the couch and running to our bedroom, Jake right behind me. I tried shutting the door but Jake held his arm so it wouldn't close. 

"Jake, just let me do it!" I shouted, laughing a bit. "No! I want to be the one that does it!" He yelled back, "No!" I said, pulling the door open and running past him to the bathroom and locking the door quickly, Jake's fists pounding at the wood. "Y/N! I swear to god, I will break this fucking door." Jake threatened. I stopped tapping on my phone and opened the door. "Jake, why don't you want me to post it?" I asked, kind of confused but mostly wanting to cry. "I want to do it. I wanna be the one that tells my fans." he told me and I rolled my eyes, "Jake, that's bullshit and we both know it." I told him, my voice full of attitude. "Just forget it," he said, walking to the living room and turning on the TV. "No," I took the remote from his hands and turned the TV back off, "why?" I stood in front of him, arms crossed. "I'm scared, okay?" he looked up at me, "Why the hell are you scared?" I asked, sitting next to him, "I don't want you to get hate, I kind of just want you to myself." He told me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer. "Jake, you'll always have me to yourself. I don't want anyone else and especially not one of your fans." I told him, smiling.

"What about all the assholes who send you shit on twitter or instagram?" he asked, I shrugged, "So? Fuck them. As long as I have you, it doesn't matter to me." I said. "Are you sure you want to tell them?" he asked and I nodded. "Fine, we can post at the same time." he said and pulled his phone from his pocket, "Instagram or twitter?" I asked, "both," he shrugged. I pulled up Instagram and went through my pictures, finding one of Jake from when we went to Kansas to visit his family. Looking at Jake, I made sure he was ready. We counted from three and posted the pictures. Mine with the caption, "I have myself a beanie boy💘" and Jake posted a photo of us both, he was squishing my cheeks as I laughed with the caption, "without you, shit would suck."

Within minutes, there were tons of likes and comments on both our pictures. Mostly people saying, "WOW!", "mom&dad", "I stan", and other very nice things. I was so happy that I could finally be open about Jake and I. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, "thank you," I said. "You're welcome, baby." He said, leaning down to place his lips on mine.

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