Prologue: The Request

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"Castiel?" The dark haired angel turned away from Heaven's view at the mention of his name to see Uriel standing next to him.

"Uriel. Is there something you need from me?" His voice was dull and almost dark. "I'm a little bit busy at the moment."

The taller angel chuckled. "Yes, I'm sure standing around and staring at your hands is more productive what God has in store for you."

Castiel perked up at the notion. "God has...something for me?"

Uriel nodded slowly. "A task. It will be good for you, I think, to bring you out of this...funk you're in right now. Our superiors asked me to deliver the message to you."

"What's the task?" Castiel slightly tilted his head inquisitively to the left.

Uriel shook his head. "That, I don't know." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small letter which he gave to Castiel. "Our superiors only told me to deliver this message to you, and only you. They said you're welcome to tell me."

The little angel frowned, opened the letter, and read it carefully.


God has selected you for a very special task. A man named Dean Winchester made a deal with a demon a few months ago, and he is currently in Hell. God, however, needs Dean to do some work for him. That is where you come in. You must go to Hell and drag Dean out. Before you do, make sure you are thoroughly prepared.

Best of luck,

The Council of Angels

Castiel stiffened up. God wanted him to drag this Winchester guy out of Hell? Had his Heavenly Father lost his mind of something? Castiel had complete faith his Father, but this was beyond crazy! He shook his head and looked at Uriel.

"Our Father wants me to drag a human from hell." he stated, no emotion in his voice. Uriel's eyes widened and his eyebrows raised.

"Drag a human from Hell?" He asked, sounding very surprised. "For what purpose?"

Castiel sighed. "Apparently, Father has work for him." His eyes wandered to the floor. "I have faith in God's judgement, Uriel, but this sounds ridiculous."

The other angel shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"I guess you better get to work then."

AN: So, this prologue is dedicated to mayor_habey who is probably going to be the only person reading this story XD

First chapter should be up either later tonight or later this week depending on how lazy I am.

Stay cool guys!


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